Why Sign Up On A Dating Site When You’re Not Ready To Date?

Why Sign Up On A Dating Site When You're Not Ready To Date?

A person who signs up on a dating site may erroneously believe that they are ready to date.

Some people don’t really think things through when they sign up on a dating site.

They may do it out of emotion.

Perhaps they just went through a difficult breakup.

They then hurriedly sign up on a dating site because they are trying to mask or shield themselves from the emotional discomfort that has been caused due to the breakup.

This happens quite often.

There are people who go through a breakup and quickly decide to sign up on a dating site.

They don’t really think this through.

Oftentimes, they are not ready to date because they are still emotionally damaged from the recent breakup.

However, they choose to quickly sign up on a dating site because they just want to get over that breakup as quickly as they can.

Unfortunately, these people are in no way emotionally available to anyone.

They may start communicating with someone who believes that they are ready to date.

They may talk to this person for some time on the dating site.

In their conversations with this person, they may be really good at shielding the fact that they are going through some emotional issues due to their recent breakup.

Unfortunately, the person that they may be talking to could be you.

You may talk to this person for a while only to discover later on that they are not ready to date.

This realization can be quite difficult to deal with.

It may make you feel as though you just wasted all your time and energy on this person for no reason.

This is why it is important to pick up on whether the person that you are talking to is truly ready to date earlier on in your interaction with them.

An effective way to do this is to ask the person about their previous relationship and when it ended.

If it ended relatively recently, you may have to look at this person as someone who may not be over that relationship.

You may also notice that the person may not be very open with you in conversations.

You may ask them more substantive and deeper questions about themselves and they may simply not want to open up in their responses.

They may briefly respond to it but quickly move on to another topic.

This typically means that the person isn’t letting you in.

This is often a sign that the person isn’t emotionally available to you.

Anything that makes them have to open up would only remind them about their recent breakup and they don’t want to go there in their minds.

Being that they don’t want to go there in their minds, they decide to be very brief in their response or avoid your question altogether.

A person may sign up on a dating site when they aren’t ready to date because they just want to have people to talk to.

There are some people who just want some kind of escape from the monotony of their daily lives.

As a result, they may sign up on a dating site without much thought.

They just want to talk to people.

However, they may not necessarily be looking to date anyone.

They may not be in a position in their lives where they are ready to date.

Perhaps they are dealing with some personal behavioral issues that they are trying to work on.

Perhaps they are really caught up in some work project that they are involved in.

Perhaps they are trying to just get people to listen to them on a dating site because no one else seems to care about doing so in their daily lives.

Whatever the reason, they may not be ready to date anyone at this time.

They just want someone to listen.