When You Use A Dating Site, Do You Date One Person At A Time Or Multiple?

When You Use A Dating Site, Do You Date One Person At A Time Or Multiple?

Dating is a numbers game, and nothing has made this that more real than online dating sites.

People on dating sites are on a mission.

In general, people are either seeking romantic relationships, friendships, or hookups.

On the assumption that you are using a dating site to find a romantic relationship, you are better off dating multiple people to start with.

A dating site gives you the latitude to test out multiple matches.

This is valuable.

Without dating multiple people, you aren’t giving yourself the best shot at finding the best match for you.

No matter how well you get along with a match on a dating site, there are no guarantees that there is romantic chemistry when you meet her in person on a date.

Imagine spending weeks talking to this woman, and only her.

She is the one that you are putting all of your time and effort into.

She has captivated your mind.

Throughout this period, you have amazing chemistry with her online.

It is magnetic.

You are rivetted whenever you exchange messages with her.

Finally, you meet her in real life and the romantic chemistry you had with her online is completely absent.

All that time spent and this is the end result.

A lack of chemistry in real life.

Sadly, you spent all that time fixated on chatting with her at the expense of chatting to other matches in any great detail.

You put all of your romantic aspirations in one basket, and the real-life meeting was a dud.

There are no backups.

Unfortunately, you have to return to the dating site and start all over again, crushed.

Desperate, you send a belated reply to a message that has been sitting in your inbox for a while, from a match that was showing an interest in you.

Alas, it’s too late.

She has moved on.

She isn’t interested in having a conversation with you anymore.

Some other guy has since matched with her and taken her out on multiple dates.

She is about to go on another date with him this coming weekend.

This is a double loss.

Not only have you lost out on the original match that you had put all of your energy into, you have lost out on the next girl that could have been her replacement.

None of this needs to happen.

As long as you date multiple women at a time, you never have to worry about having to start all over again should a date with a match turn out to be a dud.

There is no need to feel guilty about dating multiple women at a time.

These are the early stages of courtship.

You aren’t cheating on anyone.

All you are doing is testing different matches out to see who is the most compatible match, and saving yourself from the heartache of spending time and energy chatting exclusively with one match, only to discover that the chemistry isn’t there upon meeting said match in person.

It takes two to tango.

Even in a scenario where you meet this one match in person and believe you have chemistry with her, it doesn’t mean she feels likewise.

Sadly, you are the only one left believing there is chemistry after the date, while she is left disappointed, never having felt the same emotional butterflies with you in person, as she had felt while chatting with you online.

As long as you date multiple women at once, there are viable dating options at your behest, irrespective of how any one date works out with any one match.

The expectation is that you eventually figure out who you are the most compatible with.

So long as the sentiment is mutual, you become an exclusive couple, with a happily ever after, and no longer require the services of a dating site.