Why Does This Girl Keep Checking My Online Dating Profile?

Why Does This Girl Keep Checking My Online Dating Profile?

She likes you and is hoping that you will notice what she is doing and send her a message.

She may be a shy girl by nature who has resorted to checking your online dating profile again and again in the hopes that you will notice her and actually initiate a conversation with her.

If she is shy by nature in the real world, there is a good chance that she will be the same in the online dating world as well.

If she typically doesn’t approach guys due to her shyness in the real world, she would typically have the same approach if she is online dating.

This girl may also keep checking your online dating profile because she is more traditional in her approach to dating.

In the real world of dating, she may be used to guys making the first move and initiating contact.

Being that she is doing online dating now, she may have the same mentality.

Hence, she may keep checking your online dating profile in the hopes that you will take the hint and be the one to initiate contact or conversation.

She may simply be stuck on her ways as far as how she approaches dating in general.

She may want to stay in that comfort zone in having the guy do the initiating.

This girl may keep checking your online dating profile because she may be waiting for you to do something in particular with it.

Perhaps you haven’t completed it in some way.

In other words, perhaps there is a bit of information that you are yet to add to it.

She may keep checking your online dating profile in the hopes that you will add that bit of information.

You should take a good look at your online dating profile.

It may not be entirely complete yet.

You may have missed out on an important bit of information that she is waiting for you to add.

This bit of information may make the difference between whether she decides to send you a message or not.

Perhaps there are certain questions that you haven’t answered about your physical attributes, professional qualifications, hobbies, marital status, what you are looking for, etc.

You may not even have a sufficient number of online dating profile pictures.

Perhaps she is hoping that you will upload more pictures so that she can get a better idea for the kind of person that you are.

Also, you may have written a very bare online dating profile essay that doesn’t give her a particularly good idea of who you are as a person.

These are all areas that you should take a serious look at.

She may keep checking your online dating profile because she is hoping that you will update it with more information so that she has a better idea of whether you are someone she would be willing to send a message to.

This girl may keep checking your online dating profile because she may keep getting you as a match by the matchmaking algorithm of the online dating site.

In other words, the matchmaking algorithm may be continuously sending her your online dating profile as a possible match.

Even though she has already checked your online dating profile in the past, she may be curious as to why the matchmaking algorithm of the online dating site continues to send your online dating profile to her as a match.

She keeps checking your online dating profile in order to understand why the matchmaking algorithm keeps sending you to her.

She may be wondering whether there is something that she has missed.

She keeps checking your online dating profiles whenever the matchmaking algorithm sends you as a match to her because she is simply trying to figure out what the connection could possibly be.

Again, she considers the possibility that she has missed something.

Hence, she studies your online dating profile again each time just to be sure.

As of now, she is yet to ascertain why the matchmaking algorithm of the online dating site keeps sending her your online dating profile as a match and thereby she continues to avoid sending you a message.