Not necessarily.
There may have been something that caught her attention about your online dating profile.
You may have an unusual title or name to your online dating profile for instance.
A girl may click on your online dating profile when she is curious about what kind of online dating profile will follow such an unusual title or name.
She may be curious about this because she hasn’t come across a title or name like that before on the dating site.
That title or name to your online dating profile may have even given her a number of instant interpretations in her mind.
She may be assuming that your online dating profile is going to have a particular tenor to it due to this title or name.
She is curious to find out if she is right and hence she clicks into your online dating profile.
A girl who clicks on your online dating profile may also be totally browsing.
She may not necessarily find you attractive but she does have some time on her hands and she decides to click on your online dating profile.
She may have been clicking on the online dating profiles of several different men that she didn’t find attractive before she clicked on yours.
She may simply be killing time and browsing through different dating profiles with no intention of sending these men messages.
She would often do this to compare how each man constructs his online dating profile.
She may simply be trying to get a feel for how the men write and complete their online dating profiles.
She uses this information to help give her a good idea of what kind of men she is dealing with on the online dating site.
Some girls do this because they want to know if they are on the right kind of dating site for them.
If she finds that she is clicking on a good number of online dating profiles of men who aren’t taking online dating seriously and have very uninspiring online dating profiles, she may surmise that this may not be the right online dating site for her.
Hence, though she may merely be browsing in order to make use of the current free time she has, she is also trying to gauge the kind of men that the online dating site has.
These are men she may encounter again at some point in time on the online dating site if these men were to send her messages and she wants to be prepared.
She wants to get an overall idea of what kind of men she may encounter on this dating site.
All of this being said, a girl who clicks on your online dating profile may also find you attractive. However, if she ended up not sending you a message, it may have been because there was something about your online dating profile that either turned her off or she simply didn’t think the both of you had enough in common.
In other cases, she may have found you to be attractive but didn’t send you a message because she is hoping that you send her a message first.
In other words, she is hoping that you see that she clicked on your online dating profile and that you will then take the initiative to send her a message as a result.
A lot of women still want the guy to make the first move even when it comes to online dating.