I Joined A Dating Site, But I’m Not Really Interested In Dating?

I Joined A Dating Site, But I'm Not Really Interested In Dating?

You joined a dating site in an attempt to fit in.

Perhaps you are not currently in a relationship and just feel that you should join a dating site to align yourself with what everyone seems to be doing these days.

However, you may not really have any interest in finding a partner through online dating nor are you even interested in finding a partner at all at this time.

Some people join a dating site because it is the trendy thing to do and they also worry about being perceived as the odd one out in their social circle.

They may not be really interested in dating, even if they are single at the time.

They may just feel like they would be left out if they didn’t join a dating site.

So many of their friends keep telling them about this person that they met on some new dating app or about how many likes their pics got on some dating site.

Hence, the person may get to the point where they feel that they might as well join a dating site even though they aren’t really interested in dating.

You may be in that situation.

Being that you are single, you may feel that joining a dating site is the next step that you are supposed to take.

However, do understand that the fact that you aren’t really interested in dating may be for very good reason.

You may truly not be interested in dating at this time, even though you are single.

You already know what comes with dating.

You have to start getting to know someone through conversation.

You have to ask questions and be consistent in how often you communicate with this person.

You have to tell the person about yourself in a way that you hope will make you appealing.

If you start liking the person, you may start worrying about whether they are liking you too.

Then you start worrying about who else they may be talking to on the dating site.

You then worry about when would be the right time to exchange personal contact information.

Soon after exchanging personal contact information, you worry about when would be the right time to ask the person out on a date.

There is a lot that comes with joining a dating site and seeking someone out to date.

You may be at a stage in your life where you really don’t want to put yourself through all of that.

Even though you are single, you are probably really enjoying your singlehood.

You are able to engage in all the hobbies that you really enjoy without having to worry about giving some of that time to a partner.

You are able to spend your nights however which way you want.

If you want to have a lazy weekend and stay home the whole time, you don’t have to worry about a partner who would want to go out.

The same applies if you want to have a crazy weekend of socializing and partying.

You don’t have to worry about a partner who just wants to stay home for the weekend.

Being single, you are able to talk to whoever you want of the opposite sex on social media without having to worry about a suspicious partner who is unhappy that you may be trying to cheat on them.

You can plan out vacation time and go on these trips without having to worry about a jealous partner who was unable to go due to work obligations.

There is so much that you are probably enjoying about your singlehood at this time.

This may be a large part of why you really aren’t interested in dating anyone and there is nothing wrong with this.

Oftentimes, people who are single erroneously believe that they are somehow undesirable and thereby strange for being single.

As a result, they quickly join a dating site, even though they are actually quite happy with being single at the time and don’t feel the need to find a romantic partner.

However, they are often worried about being looked at as undesirable or unsociable by people that learn that they are single.

Hence, just so that they don’t come off as odd, they choose to join a dating site or allow a friend to introduce them to a potential romantic mate.

You shouldn’t allow yourself to give in to this way of thinking.

There is nothing wrong with being single.

If you joined a dating site and you aren’t really interested in dating, it may be because you want to continue enjoying your singlehood.

It is best to do that.

You can return to the dating site when you are ready to start dating.