Are Dating Apps Destroying Traditional Dating Cultures Or Empowering People To Find Love?

Are Dating Apps Destroying Traditional Dating Cultures Or Empowering People To Find Love?

Traditional dating cultures aren’t gone.

Dating apps provide an alternative.

Regardless of how popular dating apps are, there are traditional people who continue to meet their dates and find love through traditional means.

These are men that are approaching women in public, striking up a conversation, and asking her out on a date should there be romantic chemistry.

These are men who are at work, church, the gym, on a bus, etc., striking up conversations with women and asking them out on dates.

All of this persists despite the rampant and pervasive influence of dating apps.

Dating apps haven’t destroyed traditional dating cultures.

They have given people a choice.

An alternative to the traditional ways of finding love.

Although dating apps are a technological medium, it’s human beings who are behind those dating profiles.

Human beings are talking to other human beings on dating apps, despite the technological interface.

These are human beings getting know each other, as they would do in real life.

The only difference is that they are chatting with each other through cyberspace.

Either way, you are dealing with human beings.

Dating apps provide an alternative method for people to find love, and this is empowering.

This doesn’t mean that dating apps are everyone’s cup of tea.

There are people who struggle to get matches on dating apps, and when they do, they struggle to sustain conversations.

And then, there are those who thrive on dating apps and have no trouble matching with women and keeping conversations going.

Dating apps aren’t for everyone.

If you are more of a traditional guy, there is nothing wrong with you following the more traditional ways of meeting women.

No matter how popular dating apps get, there are always going to be people who won’t like using the medium, or who don’t get as good of a result in using this medium over meeting romantic interests in everyday life.

The idea that you have to give up on traditional ways of meeting and courting women for dating apps is inaccurate.

There are lots of women in the real world who remain receptive to traditional norms.

She is open to a man approaching her in a coffee shop, initiating a conversation with her, and asking her out at the end of the conversation.

She welcomes it.

She has never used a dating app.

Yes, these women exist.

Her mindset is traditional in how she goes about meeting men.

Even in a case where she is on dating apps, it doesn’t mean that she isn’t open to men approaching her in real life while she is sitting in a subway, walking on the street, shopping for groceries, standing in line at a concert, etc.

It is actually possible to do both traditional dating and online dating.

Dating apps are basically a means to an end.

The ultimate goal is to find a significant other.

Whether she finds that significant other on a dating app, or while walking down an aisle in a bookstore, she doesn’t really care.