How Do You Know If Guys Are Sending You Fake Messages On A Dating Website?

How Do You Know If Guys Are Sending You Fake Messages On A Dating Website?

Watch out for multiple grammatical errors in messages that you receive from them.

Guys who send you messages that have several obvious grammatical errors in them are typically scammers.

This is a sign that they don’t speak the language, which is typical of guys who send fake messages.

As a result, they tend to use online translators to translate their messages.

An online translator will often lose a lot in translation.

You may notice that simple basic apostrophes are missing from their sentences and even a missing word here or there.

You should be able to catch these obvious grammatical errors very easily.

Do not overlook them.

They are often a sign that you are reading a fake message.

To know if guys are sending you fake messages on a dating website, watch out for messages that try to redirect you away from the dating website.

You may notice that the guy has left a website address, email address or even phone number inside the message.

These are all ways by which the guy is trying to get you to message him through a different medium.

If you send an email, the guy now has your email address and can proceed to send you endless spam emails.

If you go to the website address, it may be loaded with viruses that can attach itself to your browser.

This way, wherever you go on the internet, you can be tracked and that virus can try to pinpoint more personal information such as your credit or debit card information in order to steal money from you or some other sensitive personal information.

If you call or text that phone number, the guy now has access to your phone number and may sell that information to other scammers who can continuously send you automated spam phone calls.

Even if you use a blocked number to call, there may be ways that the guy can get around this if you are dealing with a really tech savvy scammer.

The most important thing here is to avoid using any of this guy’s information to contact him.

To know if guys are sending you fake messages on a dating website, you should pay close attention to how impersonal the message is.

Oftentimes, the guy is not going to ask you any specific questions about your dating profile.

The guy is not going to use any real information that relates to you in his message.

He may not even address you by your username.

It will just feel as though it is a message that the guy could have sent to anyone on the dating website.

There wouldn’t be anything personal to it.

It may just feel really robotic in nature.

To know if guys are sending you fake messages on a dating website, watch for the time of day that you received the message.

If you received that message at a time when most normal people are sleeping, that should throw up an instant red flag.

Scammers are typically international.

Hence, there is a time zone difference.

If you received a message that supposedly came from someone who lives locally and you got that message at the very early hours of the morning, this may be a fake message.

Always be weary of messages that you receive at hours that people are typically asleep.

Always read these messages with caution and watch for all of the other red flags that have been described within those messages.