If A Girl Messages Me Back Right Away On A Dating Website, Does She Like The Look Of Me?

If A Girl Messages Me Back Right Away On A Dating Website, Does She Like The Look Of Me?

If she gave you a good response, particularly one that was well-thought-out, there is a good chance that she liked the look of you.

In essence, the more thought and effort that she put into that first reply, the more likely she liked the look of you.

Otherwise, putting in that kind of thought and effort would simply be a waste of her time.

Now, if she messaged you back right away on a dating website but she gave you a really short response that didn’t require much thought, she may or may not like the look of you.

A shorter response that doesn’t require much thought is something that can be sent when a girl may just be appreciative of the initial message you sent her.

She may have simply felt compelled to message you back right away on the dating website because she wanted to be polite and show appreciation.

However, this doesn’t guarantee that she liked the look of you.

If she sent you a really short response, she may also have done so because she doesn’t want to encourage further discussion.

In other words, she felt compelled to message you right back in order to be polite, but she also made her response short so that she wouldn’t encourage you into thinking that she wants to get into a deeper conversation with you.

In a scenario like this, she doesn’t like the look of you enough to make her want to engage in a protracted conversation with you.

You will discover if she is only messaging you back right away on a dating website in order to be polite with no intention of furthering detailed conversation, if you were to send her more messages and she continuously messaged you back with short replies.

You may even be more inquisitive in these consequent messages.

Perhaps you ask her more questions about herself.

However, if you notice that, though she may still be messaging you back right away on the dating website, she continuously sends you one word answers or very short phrases, she is most likely not into you.

When you are actually asking her questions about herself that would require more than a one word or one sentence response and she is still sending just that, she is not into you.

This is why you shouldn’t get too prematurely excited because this girl messaged you right back on a dating website.

Again, if her response to you was short and didn’t require much thought, it is not a sure thing that she actually likes the look of you.

Now, on the flip side, if this girl messaged you back right away with a well-thought-out longer response, there is a really good chance that she liked the look of you.

This is especially true if she ended the message with asking you a question.

This shows that she liked what you looked like and she is now curious to learn more about you.

A girl who messages you back right away in this manner will typically be looking to get into an extended and detailed conversation with you.

In other words, she would want you to respond to her with detailed answers to her questions.

This is something that you really have to be cognizant of.

If you choose to send her short messages in response to her questions, she may feel as though you aren’t trying to open yourself up and let her truly learn more about you.

This may actually turn her off.

Even though she may have liked the look of you, she may now be unhappy with the fact that you aren’t being more descriptive and detailed in your responses to her questions.

Hence, you should understand that, if you want to leave this girl with a good impression from this first conversation and make her want to continue talking to you in the future, you have to be just as descriptive and detailed in your responses as she is.