A guy typically doesn’t have horrible bad luck with attracting girls in the real world or in public.
In essence, it is not horrible bad luck that is the problem.
It is what the guy is doing.
It is really important that you understand this.
Whatever you have been doing in the real world or public in order to attract girls that hasn’t been working, will also not work on online dating sites.
Indeed, if you continue with what you have been doing, you will continue to struggle if you were to start using online dating sites.
Hence, you should stop looking at your problem as having anything to do with horrible bad luck.
You are struggling with girls because of your actions, not because of horrible bad luck.
The ability to attract girls has the same basic principles in the real world or in public as it does when using online dating sites.
These basic principles are actually quite simple.
If you remember these and implement them, you will have much better luck with attracting girls whether they be in the real world or on online dating sites.
There will be no more struggle.
The first of these basic principles is that girls like a guy who is mysterious.
This means that they like a guy who gives them some intrigue but can also hold back.
In other words, you should get into the habit of leaving certain things unsaid.
For example, instead of going all the way in telling her about why you think her perfume smells so good on her, leave some things to her imagination.
You give her just enough to make her curious about knowing more.
Perhaps you mention that her perfume tends to make you think about a time in your life that was so uplifting.
You could leave it at that.
She may be curious about why you said that and what exactly was happening in your life around that time.
However, you leave it at that and change the subject.
This is how you leave her wondering about why you say certain things without completely explaining yourself.
This is how you build mystery.
You can use the same philosophy when you are using online dating sites.
By doing this, you will dramatically stem your struggle with attracting girls.
Use your online dating profile to showcase your personality but leave certain areas to mystery.
For example, you could write about a time that you traveled to a remote location in some part of the world and lost your way.
However, you do not complete this story.
You leave it at that.
Many girls who read this will wonder about what happened and how you got yourself out of it.
They are intrigued.
You have made them curious to want to know more.
This is how you attract girls to you, whether you are in the real world or on online dating sites.
Give them something savory to ruminate on.
Leave them wanting more.
Create mystery and intrigue.
Another basic principle that you can use to help you stop having horrible bad luck with attracting girls in the real world or in public is by teasing girls.
Instead of always fawning over them, give them a compliment about something but throw in some criticism for good measure.
This is like a push and pull.
You give them something to smile about but quickly blend that with something that makes them have doubt.
This is how you should tease girls.
For example, you could compliment her intelligence but then follow that up with calling her a bookworm and that she must be no fun.
Again, this is all said in good fun.
Your delivery should be lighthearted in nature.
There can sometimes be a fine line between teasing and being all out rude.
So you have to be careful about that.
However, doing this tends to put her in a position where she appreciates the compliment but may also wonder about why you would think that she is a bookworm who has no fun.
Now she begins to question whether she is indeed that kind of person.
You are making her somewhat doubtful about herself.
This is how you can effectively tease girls and put them in a position where they really enjoy talking to you.
They know that you may not always tell them what they want to hear and they are curious about what you will say next.
You become unpredictable to them and girls really eat this up. This is often what gets them excited about a guy.
Teasing girls in this way can attract them to you whether you are in the real world or on online dating sites.
If you are able to stick to these two highly effective ways to attract girls, you will stop having horrible bad luck with them.