Is It Normal To Attract Pretty Girls In Real Life But Not On Dating Apps?

Is It Normal To Attract Pretty Girls In Real Life But Not On Dating Apps?

You are going through a peculiar phenomenon.

In real life, you attract pretty girls with barely an effort.

On dating apps, it’s the opposite.

It has been hard getting pretty girls to match with you on dating apps.

Why is that you ask?

Pretty girls on dating apps receive a much greater amount of attention than they do in real life.

There are excessively more men on dating apps than women.

Pretty girls on dating apps spark a preponderance of attention from men.

These are men who would have never had the courage to approach or talk to a pretty girl in real life.

It’s different on dating apps.

The impersonal nature of dating apps gives him the courage to swipe right on her, message her or send her an interest signal.

As a pretty girl, she is in the minority on a dating app.

This opens her up to getting inundated with messages and interest signals from men the moment she signs up on a dating app.

Remember, not only does she have the advantage of being in the minority on a dating app, as both a woman, and a pretty one at that, she is getting approached by men who would never have had the courage to approach or talk to her in real life.

Which is most men.

When you put these together, it makes for an overwhelming ordeal for a pretty girl on a dating app.

She is receiving so much attention, it is impossible for her to keep up.

When you are on a dating app, you are one of many men, making you nothing special. Someone she easily misses or barely acknowledges.

See, in real life, you attract pretty girls, given how few guys have the courage to approach them.

She isn’t inundated with male admirers wherever she goes.

In real life, she has no choice but to show you she is attracted to you through either sending signals or making a move on you.

Not doing so means she loses out.

It’s not like she has a bevy of men making moves on her.

Visualize for a moment what it would be like for a pretty girl to get the sort of attention in real life that she would get on a dating app.

This is akin to seeing her standing somewhere surrounded by men.

She doesn’t see you.

Unless she is a celebrity, most pretty girls don’t go through this in real life.

This means that you have a much better opportunity to be seen by a pretty girl in real life, as she isn’t being swarmed or surrounded by men.

It is a much greater challenge getting the attention of a pretty girl on a dating app than it is in real life.

Not because she doesn’t think you are cute.

She is just too distracted by an overwhelming number of men who are desperate to match with her.

Unfortunately, on a dating app, you get lost in the crowd.

In real life, you don’t.

In real life, she isn’t being swarmed by men, which permits her to see you and consequently be attracted to you.