My Ex Wants Me Back But Is Still Active On Online Dating Sites?

My Ex Wants Me Back But Is Still Active On Online Dating Sites?

Your ex may not be entirely sincere about wanting you back.

He may be thinking that it may be a good idea to get you back because he hasn’t had much luck meeting someone else on online dating sites.

Being that you are someone that he is familiar with, he feels that it may be best to try to get you back.

It is often easier for guys to go back to what they have had in the past than to keep trying to get something new.

However, this isn’t most likely a wholehearted attempt because he is still active on online dating sites.

Your ex may have been trying to find a new girlfriend on online dating sites since his breakup with you but has had no success.

There may have been a few girls that seemed to show promise initially but those interactions didn’t work out.

Hence, reluctantly, he may have come to the decision that it is best to try to get you back because he is beginning to lose hope that he will ever find a suitable replacement for you on online dating sites.

This is a common reason why an ex seemingly wants you back but is still active on online dating sites.

Hence, it is not like he has spent a lot of time thinking about your past relationship and doing some self-introspection.

Your ex has most likely spent a good amount of his time being active on online dating sites in an attempt to replace you.

In this scenario, even though he has let you know that he wants you back, he is still active on online dating sites because he is still hoping that he can meet a potential new girlfriend on online dating sites.

He hasn’t had much luck with this, which is why he has let you know about wanting you back.

However, he hasn’t completely given up hope on the prospect of finding another girlfriend on online dating sites.

Another reason why your ex wants you back but is still active on online dating sites could be because he is not certain that you are going to take him back.

He may have already been active on online dating sites since the breakup.

He may not feel the need to stop being active on them unless he is certain that you are going to take him back.

Hence, your ex may want you back but still be active on online dating sites because he wants to keep his dating options open until he is sure that you want him back as a boyfriend.

Another reason why your ex wants you back but is still active on online dating sites could be because he is using the online dating sites primarily for hookups.

He may have hooked up with quite a few girls since the breakup with you.

This is how he has been able to keep himself in the game and still have girls that he can sleep with.

He may have never even necessarily been looking for a relationship by being active on online dating sites.

He may have simply been looking for hookups.

Perhaps in the back of his mind, he wondered if he would find a replacement for you but wasn’t entirely stuck on that.

He just hoped that he would get some hookups.

Now that he has had some or has had none, he has gotten to the point where he wants to come back.

His heart may have never been open to dating anyone on a serious level on online dating sites.

He may not be emotionally available to anyone else at this time but you.

However, he is still active on online dating sites because he may not know whether you will take him back.

He may also not know if you would be willing to sleep with him again.

Until he is certain of all of this, he may stay active on online dating sites so that he doesn’t miss out on opportunities to hook up with other girls.