On Dating Sites, Is It Wrong To Message Guys Out Of Your League?

On Dating Sites, Is It Wrong To Message Guys Out Of Your League?

On dating sites, it is not wrong to message who you like.

If you feel that some of the guys that you want to message are out of your league, you should ask yourself about why you feel that way.

Wanting to message a guy who you perceive to be out of your league isn’t wrong.

However, it is essential that you figure out why you think that the guy is out of your league.

If it is a guy whose dating profile has genuinely intrigued you, there is nothing wrong with feeling the urge to message him.

You may have a general idea about what a guy who is out of your league would be.

Is it that you believe that these guys are a lot better looking than you?

Is it that you believe that these guys have a lot more accomplishments in their lives than you do?

Is it that these guys seem to have more of a social life and social circle than you do?

There could be a number of reasons why you believe these guys to be out of your league.

However, you should try not to make the mistake of making assumptions about the kind of person that these guys would like.

In declaring that these guys are out of your league, you have instantly made a judgment on how these guys are going to perceive you before they have even had a chance to chat with you.

This is very dangerous.

You truly don’t know what kind of person that these guys would click with.

They may see your dating profile and instantly feel a connection with you.

They may like the fact that you sound as though you would be a really fun and interesting person to be around or hang out with.

They may like certain hobbies or pastimes that you have listed in your dating profile and feel an instant sense of familiarity and security with you as a result.

In other words, these guys that you believe are out of your league may be totally taken by you.

You wouldn’t know this unless you actually reached out.

It would be wrong to make a quick assessment of how these guys would receive you if you were to message them.

You would merely go to the negative result in your mind because you are already reluctant to message these guys in the first place.

It is not wrong to message guys that you believe to be out of your league.

You just don’t know what these guys may like in a person.

Indeed, what you think that these guys may like in a romantic partner may be the total opposite of what they truly like.

You would be making an unwarranted assumption and that wouldn’t be fair on yourself or them.

In essence, you could be making an unfair judgment on how they will receive you.

Perhaps the underlying feeling here on your part is that of inadequacy with your own life.

If this is the case, this is a totally separate issue.

If you don’t have your life together, you shouldn’t think about messaging guys on dating sites who have their lives together.

Perhaps this is why you are thinking that these guys are out of your league.

If your life is really disorganized right now or you have significant financial issues, you should focus on resolving those problems first.

No one on dating sites wants to date or get into a relationship with someone who may be a burden to them emotionally or financially.

If this is where you currently are in your life, work on those issues first.

When you have resolved them, you can return to dating sites.

At this point, you will most likely have a healthier mindset about your value as a person.

This will enable you to stop looking at these guys as out of your league and more so as your equals.