Online Dating: Is Not Having A Social Media Presence A Deal Breaker?

Online Dating: Is Not Having A Social Media Presence A Deal Breaker?

Not having a social media presence is a deal breaker for a minority of women on dating apps.

For the minority of women who see it as a deal breaker, much of it has to do with an inability to gain access to your life.

To her, social media is a window into your life.

With it, she quickly gets a picture of what your life and personality is like, and uses that to gauge whether she is attracted to you.

She wants to basically leapfrog the getting-to-know-you stage that occurs while text messaging each other on a dating app, and quickly get access to your social media to see whether you are someone with relationship potential.

And yes, she believes that a guy with a social media presence is a guy with social skills, friends, and a social footprint.

Additional benefits to this is that she gets to verify whether you are real or not.

Don’t worry.

A woman like this isn’t compatible with you anyway, especially if you are more of a private person.

In an alternate universe where you are dating a woman like this, you are constantly butting heads with each other as everything you do with her has to be documented with her mobile phone camera, and you know that the moment she is done taking those photos, she is posting them to her social media.

As a private person, this gets old fairly quickly.

It won’t be long before the fights start, and soon, somebody is ending the relationship.

Not having a social media presence is a deal breaker for a minority of women.

Although most women have social media accounts, they aren’t monolithic in what they are looking for in a mate.

In other words, not having a social media presence doesn’t mean that there isn’t more to you as a person.

This is where your dating profile takes center stage.

Make it entertaining, interesting, and intriguing.

Use it to showcase your personality and lifestyle.

The key to online dating success isn’t about having a social media presence or not, it’s about how good your photos are and how well-written your bio is.

These provide her with the first impressions of you.

In doing your photos and bio right, she is motivated to match with you and get to know you.

That has to be your first concern, as opposed to whether having no social media presence is a deal breaker to women.

Remember, social media didn’t exist in the old days, and men and women were pairing up without any hitches.

Women remain traditional in what they look for in a mate, much like it was in the old days.

A man who is physically attractive to them, a reliable financial provider, and a good conversationalist, are a few of the salient factors that women look for.

Should your dating profile give her the impression that one or more of these factors are met, you are primed to get matches and dates, regardless of not having a social media presence.