Online Dating: What To Do If They Don’t Look Like Their Pictures?

Online Dating: What To Do If They Don't Look Like Their Pictures?

You shouldn’t become offensive or rude, irrespective of how much you may want to justifiably scream.

Meeting up with people who don’t look like their pictures is commonplace when online dating.

Unfortunately, some people on online dating sites are fearful of what they look like in present day.

They may post pictures to their online dating profile that are years old or that hide various parts of their bodies.

Although it can truly be upsetting to meet someone on a date in real life from an online dating site who doesn’t look like their pictures, it would be best to temper your annoyance.

You are most likely not the only person that has met someone from an online dating site who didn’t look like their pictures.

Most people on online dating apps want to put their best foot forward when it comes to online dating.

As a result, some of them may post pictures of themselves that are the most flattering.

Some of these pictures may have been taken at a time when they were younger or fitter.

However, they post these online dating profile pictures anyway because they just want to find someone.

They aren’t thinking about the repercussions of what they are doing.

They are just thinking about the ultimate goal of finding a romantic match.

They make themselves believe that though they may not look like their pictures anymore, as long as they can get a person to get to know them, the person will like them.

They truly believe that they are good people and that all other people need to do is go beyond the looks.

However, being that they know that most people only interact with others that they are attracted to, they decide to post pictures that do not represent what they look like in present day.

Now, if you are at a date and someone shows up who doesn’t look like their pictures, you are not obligated to stay at that date or go through with it.

If you feel that this person looks drastically different from how they looked in their pictures on the online dating site, you can tell this person that you are not going to go through with the date.

This is within your right to do as you were misled by this person.

It isn’t rude.

If anything, this person was the inconsiderate one by misleading you into believing that they still look like their pictures in present day.

One of the best ways to excuse yourself from the date is to tell this person that you do not want to waste their time by going through with the date, as you don’t believe that they look like their pictures.

It is okay to be honest.

In fact, it is best to be honest.

Being honest helps to make this person understand that misrepresenting the way they look in their pictures should be something that they need to stop doing.

You should not feel obligated to proceed with this date if you don’t want to.

As long as it is clear that this person misrepresented the way they truly look like in their online dating profile pictures, you have every reason to excuse yourself from that date.

You should always be civil.

Do not react with anger.

Reacting with anger would only make the process of excusing yourself that much more difficult.

By becoming angry that this person doesn’t look like their pictures, the person may become defensive and start yelling at you.

This may cause a scene and that is the last thing that you want.

If you feel that you simply don’t want to go on with the date, kindly excuse yourself from it by letting the person know that they don’t look like their pictures and you would rather not waste their time by sitting through a date.