Online Dating: When To Reveal That I Have A Stutter?

Online Dating: When To Reveal That I Have A Stutter?

Reveal that you have a stutter sooner rather than later.

Do it while in the early stages of having conversations with her on the online dating site.

It shouldn’t be the focal point of a discussion.

It can be revealed in a natural way as you both attempt to get to know each other better.

It doesn’t really help you to hide it.

If you spend too much time talking to this girl on the online dating site without revealing that you have a stutter, you could end up becoming emotionally attached and as a result, delay the reveal.

The deeper you get into interacting with her and consequently developing feelings, the harder it will be for you to be forthcoming about the fact that you have a stutter.

You will keep telling yourself that it just isn’t the right time.

You will keep trying to make yourself believe that there will be a perfect time at some point and that you will know when that is.

Perhaps when you get a better sense of how she feels about you.

Perhaps when she has repeatedly told you about how much she likes you and would love to meet you some day.

In essence, your mind will find ways to delay the necessity to reveal that you have a stutter.

All this will do is put you in a position where you may never reveal it until it may be too late.

If you were to meet her in person without ever having revealed that you have a stutter, she may be completely shocked and taken aback when she discovers that you are stuttering.

All of the buildup that she had in her mind about how amazing that first date was going to be may completely come crashing down.

All because you weren’t forthcoming about the fact that you stutter.

What’s worse is that she probably would have been okay with it if you had just been forthcoming about the fact that you stutter while in the process of communicating with her on the online dating site.

However, you didn’t do that.

You gave her no real forewarning of your speech impediment.

Instead, she kept her head in the clouds about how incredible that first date was going to be based on how amazing her conversations have been with you online.

You really shouldn’t allow things to get this far.

You should reveal that you have a stutter in the early stages of interacting with her and getting to know her better on the online dating site.

Again, it doesn’t have to be the focal point of a discussion or some kind of big moment.

You could simply mention it lightheartedly as the both of you chat and get to know each other better.

It shouldn’t feel like a negative.

It shouldn’t feel as though you are ashamed of yourself for having a stutter or that you feel as though you are less worthy than other people who don’t have a stutter.

You should come off as confident when you make this revelation.

You could even throw in a funny joke that relates to it right after you mention it.

If the fact that you stutter isn’t something that affects you negatively as a person, then it will most likely not affect her negatively once you have made this revelation.

She will feed off your energy.

If it sounds like you look at your stutter as something negative and shameful, then she may feel as though you are insecure.

This could affect how she goes about interacting with you from then on.

However, if you are confident and accepting of your speech impediment, she will most likely feel confident and accepting of your situation.

There is so much more to you than the fact that you stutter.

She knows that.

As long as you have a healthy attitude about it, she will most likely want to keep chatting with you in the hopes that romance may one day ensue.