Online Dating: Why Are My Matches Getting Upset And Unmatching With Me If I Don’t Respond Or Meet Up With Them Fast Enough?

Online Dating: Why Are My Matches Getting Upset And Unmatching With Me If I Don't Respond Or Meet Up With Them Fast Enough?

In the fast-paced world of online dating, matches want instant gratification.

Once he matches with you, he wants to be acknowledged by getting a quick response and getting you to meet up with him as fast as possible.

These guys are swiping right on every dating profile they come across.

He does this knowing that he doesn’t get that many matches or likes, especially in comparison with women.

In getting a match with you, he knows that he is in competition with a horde of men that want to match with you too.

He gets upset when you don’t respond to his message fast enough, knowing that you are far too susceptible to getting distracted by the competition.

The quicker he gets you to reply to his messages, the sooner he gets to ask you out on a date.

He doesn’t want to waste any time, as he is fully aware that every minute that goes by without a response from you, is time you get to spend addressing the loads of matches you are receiving.

He has already been swiping right on every dating profile and is desperate.

When you don’t respond fast enough or meet up with him fast enough, he believes that you are on the verge of being lost to him to his competition.

These are scared men.


He is hoping that in getting upset with you by verbally rebuking you for not responding fast enough, he bullies you into paying more attention to him than the competition.

If he doesn’t get you to respond to his message or meet up with him fast enough, he unmatches with you.

He doesn’t care whether you have legitimate reasons for not responding to his message fast enough or meeting up with him.

Legitimate reasons such as a busy professional or private life.

All he is obsessed with is that you are not responding to him or meeting up with him fast enough because you are distracted by the competition.

Not wanting to receive a belated message from you informing him that one of these men from the competition has taken your fancy, and you are no longer interested in him, he chooses to unmatch with you first.

This saves him from the pain of having to read such a message from you, and gives him a false sense of control.

These are fragile guys with fragile egos.

When you aren’t replying to his message or meeting up fast enough, his ego is hurt.

He wants to believe that he is so amazing that you are dropping everything to reply to his messages or agreeing to meet up with him in a speedy fashion.

The slowness in your response upsets him.

He justifies unmatching with you by telling himself that it is your loss for not being fast enough in replying to him.

Ingrained in his head is the belief that by unmatching with you, he is teaching you a lesson and making you suffer.

A part of him gloats at the image of you seeing that you have been unmatched and feeling saddened by losing him as a match.

This thought bolsters his ego and makes him feel better about himself.