This guy may be texting and flirting with a number of girls at the same time.
You saw him on a dating app online because he is most likely looking for other girls to text and flirt with.
Being that he is not in an exclusive relationship with you, he is not going to have any issues with chatting with multiple girls through chat and on dating apps.
It’s important that you don’t get caught up in the perception that because this guy has been texting and flirting with you through chat that this means that he wants to be with you or date you.
He doesn’t really know you all that well and although he is most likely enjoying his interaction with you on chat, he still feels the need to test the waters.
If he were to put all of his romantic hopes on you, things may not work out.
He may come to eventually discover that the both of you don’t have very good chemistry in real life.
He may even come to be disappointed in how you look physically.
If you have never met this guy physically, there is no guarantee that he will like what he sees if he were to meet you in real life.
Texting and flirting through chat is lot different from being in someone’s physical presence even if the both of you have used video chat to communicate.
Meeting someone in real life can be totally different and he probably knows all of this.
He probably understands that any girl that he meets through chat or even a dating app may not look exactly the same if he were to meet them in real life.
Hence, the fact that you have seen him online on a dating app may indicate that he just doesn’t want to take the risk of putting all of his romantic hopes on you and possibly being disappointed in your physical appearance if he were to meet you in real life.
Something else that you should understand when you are texting and flirting with a guy through chat is that, for some guys, this is simply a way to kill time and boredom.
He may have no real inclination to ultimately meet you in real life or to pursue anything romantic with you in the future.
He may simply want to take the time to chat so that he isn’t so caught up in the humdrum of his life at this particular point in time.
When you saw him online on a dating app, he may have been trying to find more girls to chat with so as to kill time and boredom.
He may have gotten bored with the current platform that the both of you use to chat or he may not be too keen on the other girls that he has seen on that platform.
Hence, in order to find more girls that he would consider attractive to chat with, he may have turned to a dating app.