Unliking your pictures was a way for him to send the message that he was unhappy with your response.
He was the first to like some of your pictures and you responded by liking some of his pictures in return.
This may not have been the response that he was hoping for.
He may have been hoping that you would do something more.
He may have been hoping that you would open up a conversation with him.
As far as he is concerned, in liking your pictures, he made the first move.
He may have been hoping that you would have gotten the point and responded with an actual text message to him.
He may have unliked your pictures on a dating site because he had second thoughts about liking them in the first place.
He may have initially liked them because there was something about you that caught his attention.
Upon seeing your pictures, he may have been somewhat overwhelmed with the desire to like them.
He may not have really thought this through at all.
He was just caught up in emotion.
As a result of this emotion, he chose to like your pictures.
However, since he did that, his emotions may have cooled off.
He may be worried that he moved too quickly to like your pictures.
He may not want to give the impression that he is obsessed with you.
Hence, he unliked your pictures.
He may know that he just reacted too instinctively.
Perhaps he had just recently joined the dating site and yours was the first dating profile that truly caught his attention.
However, since then, he has been able to settle down emotionally.
He may not want you to think that he spent an exorbitant amount of time looking at your dating profile.
That may make him feel desperate.
He may have unliked your pictures on a dating site because he has taken more time to read your dating profile and may not like everything that he read.
When he initially liked your pictures, he may not have thoroughly read through your entire dating profile.
There may have been something that he missed.
Now that he has liked your pictures and been back to your dating profile a number of times, he may have read something that made him feel like he would not be compatible with you.
Again, this may have been something that he missed the first time that he visited your dating profile.
It could have been anything.
Perhaps it was some kind of requirement that you have in a partner.
Perhaps it is some kind of ideal that you espouse.
Whatever it was may have made him feel compelled to unlike your pictures.
He may have been worried that in keeping your pictures liked, you may start believing that he espouses all of your ideals.
He may not want to give out that kind of message.
He may have unliked your pictures on a dating site because he may be playing a game with you.
He may want to observe whether you noticed that he unliked your pictures.
He may be doing this so as to gauge your level of interest in him.
Hence, he may be testing you.
Perhaps he has done this in the past with other girls on a dating site and succeeded in getting their attention.
This may be what he wants.
He wants you to notice him and also feel compelled to message him.
He knows that there would most likely be a lot of competition from other guys who may be trying to get your attention on the dating site.
He probably knows that those guys would be fawning over you.
However, if he were to be the opposite, you just may take notice of him.
He knows that not many guys are just going to unlike a girl’s pictures on a dating site.
They wouldn’t want to discourage the girl from messaging them.
However, he knows that if he were to unlike your pictures, you would notice him because he would not be doing what you are used to.
This may be a way by which he separates himself from the other guys that are trying to get your attention, thereby putting him in a much better position to get you to start liking him.