Why Do Guys From An Online Dating Site Prefer Texting Or Talking Over The Phone Before Meeting In Person?

Why Do Guys From An Online Dating Site Prefer Texting Or Talking Over The Phone Before Meeting In Person?

In preferring to text or talk over the phone before meeting in person, these guys may just want to get a better sense of what your attitude and vibe is really like.

They may want to get to know you better as a real life person, as opposed to someone that they have been communicating with through the cyberspace medium of an online dating site.

They may not feel that only communicating on an online dating site is good enough.

Perhaps they feel that it is a lot easier for a person to misrepresent their character when they are using an online dating site.

They may have even experienced this in the past.

They may have found a girl that they really liked on an online dating site.

She may have had a remarkable online dating profile that really caught their attention.

They proceeded to talk to her on the online dating site and everything may have gone really well.

The conversations may have made her out to be really someone that they would enjoy spending time with in the real world.

Their excitement may have been really high at this point.

They may have asked her to meet them in person without trying to text or talk to her first over the phone.

They just felt so good about her.

They just had no doubt that everything would go well.

They allowed themselves to really get caught up in all of the excitement that they felt for the girl.

All of this was based off of how she made them feel on an online dating site.

They get to meet this girl in person on a date and they are absolutely disappointed.

They realize that the girl’s personality isn’t anything like she represented it to be on the online dating site.

They realize that there is simply no real life chemistry between them.

They also realize that she has certain mannerisms that just don’t agree with them.

This is a really big lesson to them.

They had all this hope that she would be as amazing as she seemed on the online dating site in real life but that was not the case.

As a result, these guys decide that from here on out they would prefer to text or talk over the phone with any future girl that they find on an online dating site before meeting her in person.

This may have been the experience of some of the guys that you have met from an online dating site who have demonstrated to you that they would prefer texting and talking over the phone before meeting you in person.

It’s a way for them to be very judicious about how they go about meeting a girl from an online dating site.

They don’t want to make the same mistakes that some of them may have made in the past.

Instead of allowing themselves to get carried away with excitement over finding you on an online dating site, they choose to be more cautious and patient.

In texting or talking to you over the phone before meeting you in person, they are able to gain more insight into how you really are.

They will be able to observe how you go about keeping a conversation going.

They will be able to experience how you spontaneously react to certain words or phrases during the course of a conversation.

They will get a better sense of what it is like to communicate with you in real life as opposed to through an online dating site.

They will also be able to get a better idea about whether you are able to remain consistent with the stories that you have told them on the online dating site or whether you will have a hard time remembering them or being as fluent in the way you describe them.

In essence, by texting or talking to you over the phone first, they will be able to get a much better idea about who you are as a person and what your true characteristics are.

They will use this experience to help them decide whether they should meet you in person or not.