Why Do Guys On Online Dating Sites All Seem To Stop Contacting Me And It Never Turns To Anything, Even When They Initiate Contact First?

Why Do Guys On Online Dating Sites All Seem To Stop Contacting Me And It Never Turns To Anything, Even When They Initiate Contact First?

They quickly lose interest in you, even if they were the ones who initiated contact.

It is easy for guys to stop contacting a girl once they get bored with her.

If there is a pattern of boredom, you will keep having situations where your correspondences with guys on online dating sites never turn into anything.

These guys were initially interested in you.

This is why they initiated contact in the first place.

However, in the process of communicating with you on the online dating site, they may have realized that the conversations just weren’t fun.

Your conversations with them on the online dating site may have gotten boring for a number of reasons.

You may not have been asking them enough questions about themselves.

Hence, these guys may have felt as though they were the ones who had to keep the conversations going because you simply wouldn’t ask them questions in return.

This can play a major factor into why your interactions with these guys never turned to anything.

You may also have not been asking follow up questions.

During your conversations, these guys may have given you some detailed accounts about certain experiences that they have had in their lives and when they were done with their stories, you may have simply said something like, “Cool,” or “Okay.”

One word responses like that without follow up questions can absolutely kill the energy of a conversation.

A guy will take these kind of lazy responses for so long before he decides to stop contacting the girl, even if he was the one who initiated contact with her.

Also, you may not be very knowledgeable about what they talk to you about.

They may have initially seen your online dating profile and felt connected to it.

These guys may have felt that they had a lot in common with you.

However, upon initiating contact with you and beginning to talk to you about some of those details that they noticed that they had in common with you from reading your online dating profile, you may not have been able to talk about them fluently.

In essence, you may not have known too much about them.

This can be disheartening to a guy who noticed that you posted a picture of yourself horseback riding on your online dating profile, proceeded to initiate contact with you as a result and learned that you knew very little about horseback riding.

It is situations like this that can easily lead a guy to stop contacting you.

If you seem to demonstrate some knowledge on certain topics that you talk about on your online dating profile or show through your online dating profile photos, but yet aren’t able to demonstrate that knowledge upon chatting with these guys, you may mislead several guys into believing that they have something in common with you when they actually don’t.

Another reason why some of these guys stop contacting you and these interactions never turn to anything may be because they aren’t getting the vibe that you are into them.

Oftentimes, a guy will determine whether a girl is into him based on whether she flirts, teases or compliments him.

If you have had a decent number of interactions with these guys and you have never done anything like this, they may stop contacting you after a while, even if they were the ones who initiated contact.

Before they stop contact, some of these guys may actually try to flirt with you or even tease you.

They may also try to compliment you.

If you aren’t responsive to any of these attempts, the guys will take that as a sign that you aren’t interested and they will stop contacting you.

A lack of response to flirts, teases or compliments could be playing a major factor into why your interactions with guys on online dating sites never turns to anything.