Do Guys On Online Dating Websites Respond To Messages From Girls They’re Not Attracted To?

Do Guys On Online Dating Websites Respond To Messages From Girls They're Not Attracted To?

Guys on online dating websites typically do not respond to messages from girls that they aren’t attracted to.

Guys are on dating websites to typically find a girlfriend.

They would naturally want this girlfriend to be someone that they are attracted to.

Hence, if they were to receive a message from a girl who they aren’t attracted to, they would normally ignore the message.

Now, there are some exceptions to this.

One of the exceptions is when you are dealing with a guy who is on an online dating website to find friendships.

He would not be looking at every girl who sends him a message as a romantic prospect.

Hence, if a girl who he isn’t attracted to sends him a message, he may respond to that message if he liked it.

A guy who only gets on an online dating website to find friendship may not be looking to get into a romantic relationship at this time.

He may simply want to find more female friends to talk to online and even eventually hang out with in life.

He may not have that many female friends in his real life and may be hoping to make some female friends on the online dating website.

In a scenario like this, a guy would respond to the message that a girl sent him if he likes what she had to say and he can find a way to relate to that message.

This is often how people make friends in real life.

They will often look for something in the other person to relate to.

By sending him a message that he could relate to in some way, it would be easier for him to respond to you because he would feel as though the both of you would have things in common that you can talk about.

Another exception to why a few guys on online dating websites may respond to messages from girls that they aren’t attracted to would be because there are some guys who simply like the attention.

Though they may not be attracted to you, the fact that you bothered to send them a message can really give them a boost to their ego.

As a result, these guys may respond to you just so that they can bask in the glory of being desirable to you.

These guys use these messages that they receive from girls that they aren’t attracted to as a way to help boost their confidence as well.

They want to be constantly reassured about their physical appeal to the opposite sex.

Every time they receive a message from a girl that they aren’t attracted to on the online dating website, they are able to get a high from that experience.

They use this high to proceed to send messages to girls on the online dating website that they are actually attracted to.

Upon sending these messages, they may become gravely disappointed in the fact that so many of these girls that they have sent messages to haven’t responded.

This disappointment builds up over time until it gets to the point of resentment.

Whenever they get a message from a girl that they aren’t attracted to and decide to respond to the message, they feel validated in the belief that they are still desirable.

After all, they are at the receiving end of girls like you that they aren’t attracted to, sending them messages in the hopes that they will respond.

They will feed off these kind of messages until they are ready to begin sending a bunch of new messages to girls that they actually find attractive on the online dating website.