Do Guys Use Dating Sites To Get Dates Or To Get Numbers?

Do Guys Use Dating Sites To Get Dates Or To Get Numbers?

Guys primarily use dating sites to get dates.

The guys who use dating sites to get numbers are typically the ones who aren’t going to take the time to get to know you.

Guys like this will often want to meet very soon after contacting you on dating sites.

When guys want to meet this quickly, they are often looking to get numbers and essentially hook up.

If you have been primarily coming across guys who use dating sites to get numbers in order to hook up, it may be because you are on hook up sites or casual dating sites.

You should always learn more about particular dating sites before you join them.

If a dating site has a reputation for hook ups, there is a good chance that it is a hook up dating site.

Even if the dating site may advertise itself as something else that is more respectable, it is a hook up site.

Hence, you should do your due diligence before joining any particular dating site.

If you are not looking for hook ups, you should focus primarily on dating sites that have a reputation for getting people together who are looking for serious relationships.

Guys who use dating sites to get dates are typically the ones that you will find on dating sites that have a reputation for providing serious relationships.

You will often know that you are dealing with guys like this based on how they communicate with you.

Unlike guys who use dating sites to get numbers in order to hook up, these guys will take their time in getting to know you.

They are not going to be trying to meet up with you so soon.

They will be open about themselves and will often have substantive conversations with you.

They will ask you substantive questions about yourself and will follow up your answers with follow up questions.

They will remember details about what you both spoke off and will bring those up in future conversations on the dating site.

These guys will also respond to your messages in a timely fashion and will often not want to move the conversation into another medium of communication such as phone calls or texting, until they feel that you have gotten comfortable with them.

In essence, they will allow the interaction with you on dating sites to move at a natural pace, as opposed to trying to force things to happen.

The guys who use dating sites to get dates will also typically give you the opportunity to return their message.

In other words, they won’t bombard you with messages simply because you have taken a little bit of time to respond.

This is often what guys who use dating sites to get numbers would do.

They want to hear from you as soon as possible because they want to get that number.

Hence, if they sent you a message and you have taken a little bit more time than they are comfortable with to respond, they may message you several more times in an attempt to connect with you so that they can get your number.

Guys who use dating sites to get dates will also send you substantive messages when they first contact you.

In other words, they may send you a message that relates to something that you wrote or included in your dating profile.

This shows that they took the time to read your dating profile and they are trying to connect with you as a person.

On the other hand, guys who use dating sites to get numbers will often send you generic messages that have nothing to do with your dating profile. These are messages that they cut and paste so that they can send them to multiple girls at a time on dating sites.

This is how they play the numbers game on dating sites in the hopes that a certain number of the girls that they send these copy and pasted messages to will respond to them and hopefully soon give them their numbers.