Why Do Guys Generally Talk To Lots Of Girls At The Same Time When Using Online Dating Sites?

Why Do Guys Generally Talk To Lots Of Girls At The Same Time When Using Online Dating Sites?

These guys are hoping that they can find the right girl among the bunch.

In essence, they are playing the numbers game.

They know that by talking to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites, they give themselves the best chances of finding the perfect girlfriend for them.

They don’t want to talk to only one girl because if they spend a bunch of time and effort on her and she doesn’t work out, it would feel like a waste of their time and effort.

However, by applying their time and effort in talking to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sties, they will still have options if some girls don’t work out.

It is a way for them to use their time and effort to its fullest and get the most out of it.

Another reason why guys generally talk to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites is because these guys may simply be looking to hook up.

By talking to lots of girls, they are hoping that they increase the likelihood of getting as many hookups as they can.

In talking to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites, these guys who are looking to hook up with as many girls as possible know that they can also keep their pool of girls fresh.

In other words, if they were to hook up with one of the girls that they are talking to, they know that they have many others that could be next.

Hence, they never run out of girls to hook up with nor have to worry about having to continuously go back to a particular girl that they have already hooked up with.

Another reason why guys generally talk to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites is because they may not actually know what kind of girl that they are looking for.

They may not have a clear understanding of what she looks like or how she is as a person.

Hence, they talk to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites because they hope that in the process of talking to these girls, they will have an epiphany as to what they are actually looking for.

These are guys who may have even joined online dating sites with no real understanding of what exactly they wanted in a romantic partner.

Hence, these guys talk to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites in the hopes that at some point they will be able to pinpoint the exact kind of girl that they actually want to date.

Another reason why guys generally talk to lots of girls at the same time when using online dating sites is because they know that they have a much higher likelihood of a girl losing interest than the other way around.

In other words, they have already experienced how girls can lose interest quite quickly on online dating sites, possibly due to all the messages that they get from guys.

It can be incredibly easy for a girl to start losing interest in a particular guy that she has been talking to when she is at the receiving end of so much attention from guys on online dating sites.

Hence, guys generally talk to lots of girls when using online dating sites because they know that some of those girls could easily fall off and no longer respond to them.

Since they don’t know which girls will stop communicating, they talk to lots of girls at the same time as an insurance policy.

Guys are just not sure about how long an interaction with a girl that they like may go for before she suddenly disappears or is no longer responding to their messages.

If some of those girls were to fall off, these guys would still have some others that they are talking to and thereby, they would not be left completely without options.