Does Stating Preferences In Terms Of Ethnicity Lead To Anger On A Dating Site?

Does Stating Preferences In Terms Of Ethnicity Lead To Anger On A Dating Site?

Stating preferences in terms of ethnicity on a dating site can lead to anger from some people.

They may take it personally that you are excluding their ethnicity from your preferences.

They may feel like you are acting as though your ethnicity is above theirs.

This is how some people are on a dating site.

Unfortunately, people like this are often insecure about their ethnicity in the real world.

These are the kind of people that may use their ethnicity as an excuse for why they haven’t achieved what they wanted in life or for why they weren’t treated with respect by someone.

In essence, they will use their ethnicity as an excuse for a lot of things that they don’t want to take personal responsibility for.

Hence, try not to take the fact that some people on a dating site get angry because you have preferences in terms of ethnicity personally.

Oftentimes, these people use their ethnicity as their escape from accountability in the real world itself.

If you have stated that you have preferences in terms of ethnicity on a dating site, that is your prerogative.

Try not to allow people who may show anger because of that preference to guilt-trip you on a dating site.

Again, oftentimes, these people will use their ethnicity as a way to circumvent responsibility for their actions in the real world.

In showing anger on a dating site, they are merely displaying a characteristic that they most likely have in the real world, insecurity.

No one who is truly confident and self-assured in who they are will take offense to your preferences on a dating site.

No one who has had a life where they take accountability for their actions, will show anger because of your preferences in terms of ethnicity.

Another reason why stating your preferences can lead to anger on a dating site is because the people who get angry are already not the most desirable people to date in the first place.

When they are taking out the time to show anger at someone that they don’t personally know on a dating site simply because that person has preferences in terms of ethnicity, they are showing that they are not that great of a catch themselves.

They have way too much time on their hands to be expending the effort in sending you angry messages.

That is the kind of time and effort that would be better spent engaging in conversations with other people on the dating site.

But they are not doing that.

Instead, they are taking the time to write you angry messages in response to your preferences.

Clearly, other people who may not even have any preferences in terms of ethnicity on the dating site have no interest in engaging in conversations with these angry people.

This lets you know that these angry people have character flaws that go way beyond issues of ethnicity.

They are just not good people, period.

They will not be able to find anyone else to date on the dating site regardless of whether that person has preferences in terms of ethnicity or not.

Try to keep this in mind when you receive angry messages from people like this.

Try not to let them get you emotionally rattled.

You may fall for their trap by responding to them so as to explain yourself.

Don’t do this.

They have no interest in having a rational conversation with you.

If you were to respond to their angry messages, they will only proceed to talk to you even more harshly.

Your energy would be best spent elsewhere.