He Rejected Me But He Keeps Viewing My Online Dating Profile?

He Rejected Me But He Keeps Viewing My Online Dating Profile?

He is still curious about you and this curiosity continues to compel him to keep viewing your online dating profile.

There may have been something about your online dating profile that he had really liked.

It may have been your online dating profile essay or your photos.

It may have been the questions that you answered when asked by the online dating site about your hobbies and viewpoints on certain aspects of life.

He may have been totally intrigued when he first viewed your online dating profile.

He may have also been really attracted to the photos that you had on your dating profile.

It was this initial intrigue and attraction that most likely led him to reach out to you and try to communicate with you.

Once the both of you started communicating, he may have been initially really excited.

After having initially viewed your online dating profile, he may have really built up the kind of person that he thought you were in his mind.

When we use our imaginations as human beings to build someone else up, there are no bounds.

Our imaginations can really run wild and build up the most perfect mate.

However, that will not always be the case when we actually interact with this person that we have built up in our minds either through the online dating site or in real life.

Once he started interacting with you, he may have ultimately rejected you because you didn’t fit the mold of what he had imagined you to be in his mind.

In essence, he simply realized that the person whose online dating profile had completely impressed him wasn’t the type of person that he thought they’d be.

Even though he proceeded to reject you, he has kept on viewing your online dating profile.

He may be keeping on with viewing your online dating profile because he continues to imagine about what it would have been like if he had felt the same excitement for you when he initially viewed your online dating profile as when he got to interact with you.

There may be a sense of longing on his part.

He may feel compelled to keep viewing your online dating profile because it is hard for him to let go of what he hoped he would find in you.

He may have rejected you, but there is still a part of him that wonders what it would have been like if he had actually felt the same kind of romantic excitement for you as he had felt when he initially viewed your online dating profile.

Ever since he rejected you, he may have viewed several other online dating profiles, but unfortunately, none of them have given him the same kind of visceral romantic reaction that he had when he first viewed your online dating profile.

He may have gotten frustrated with the process of constantly trying to find an online dating profile that matches yours.

He may have viewed so many online dating profiles by now with no luck.

In frustration, he keeps returning to view your online dating profile because he just wishes that things would have turned out differently.

The other online dating profiles that he has since viewed haven’t kept him as riveted as yours did.

Perhaps to some extent, he even wonders whether he made the right decision in rejecting you.

However, the more he thinks about it, the more he feels that he made the right decision and it would be pointless to try at it again with you.

He may keep viewing your online dating profile until he finally finds someone else whose dating profile gives him the same kind of romantic spark and excitement that yours did.