Why Do Men Outnumber Women In The Online Dating World?

Why Do Men Outnumber Women In The Online Dating World?

Men don’t typically have as many options to date women in the real world as women do to date men.

In other words, women tend to be the ones who are approached by men in the real world.

Hence, women tend to have more options when it comes to dating.

Women can get approached by men in any vicinity, whether it be at work, school, the mall, a gas station, etc.

Most men in the real world typically don’t get approached that often by women.

When men join the online dating world, many are hoping to change their odds.

They hope that they can have more women approach them in the online dating world.

Again, this is not the kind of behavior that they were getting in the real world.

Men also outnumber women in the online dating world because some of these men may have already approached women in the real world and gotten rejected.

They may have experienced this kind of rejection time and time again in the real world.

Being that women are typically the ones who are approached by men in the real world, they are the ones who do the majority of the rejecting.

Women are in a position where they can be picky about who they choose to take up on the offer of a date.

Most guys in the real world don’t have this kind of luxury.

Hence, a good number of these men who were rejected by women in the real world turn to the online dating world in the hopes that their luck will change.

They figure that they might as well.

They haven’t had much luck in getting women to accept a date from them in the real world and thereby, they figure that they might as well take their chances in the online dating world.

Men also outnumber women in the online dating world because they are afraid of rejection in the real world.

Unlike the men who have actually approached women in the real world and gotten rejected time and time again, these particular men never or very rarely approach women.

They are terrified of getting rejected by the woman or coming off as some kind of weirdo.

Hence, they choose the online dating world in the hopes that a woman will approach them.

They don’t want to have to be the one to do the approaching.

They may have had a bad experience in the past or they may have heard nightmare stories from friends about how a girl reacted to them when she was asked out.

Hence, they keep their guard up and decide to protect their egos.

These men who never approach women in the real world may have been waiting to get approached.

However, they finally came to the realization that women are simply not going to make the first move and approach them.

They give up on this hope and try their luck by joining the online dating world.

Men also outnumber women in the online dating world because they often believe that they can become the player that they may have always wanted to be in the real world but couldn’t.

In other words, they have the notion that they can get online and hook up with as many girls as possible. After all, many men share a common fantasy in hooking up with as many women as possible.

Even men who may be good at hooking up with women in the real world may still join the online dating world because they can hook up with even more women.

This is the mentality that a good number of men have when they join the online dating world and it tends to compound itself.

Other men in the real world hear about how all these guys that they know are hooking up with women from online dating sites and they decide to try their luck in the online dating world as well.

Hence, it just becomes a continuous proliferation of men that ultimately overwhelm the number of women in the online dating world.

This is especially true when you are dealing with online dating sites that are primarily focused on casual relationships and hooking up.

The number of men to women ratio becomes a lot more evened out when you are dealing with men who join online dating sites that cater to serious long-term relationships.