There are some people who will continue checking their online dating account often even when they are going on multiple dates with someone else.
You may be in a situation where you have gone on multiple dates with this person who keeps checking their online dating account and you may be wondering why this person keeps doing this.
You may have thought that all of these dates have gone well so far.
The both of you have been really getting along. You may even have another date lined up with this person for the near future.
However, you may have noticed that even though these multiple dates have gone really well, this person is still checking their online dating account often.
People who behave in this way are typically people who are either incredibly picky about who they want to date and hence are never satisfied or they are people who joined the online dating site with the intention of dating multiple people at a time.
For the people who are picky, oftentimes, they have become somewhat corrupted by online dating.
Being that online dating has provided them with access to so many potential dates, they become more picky.
Instead of being happy that they have found a connection with someone like you in whom they have already been on multiple dates with, they think that they can do better.
They get so caught up with the sheer numbers of potential dates that an online dating site provides that they become too picky for their own good.
If they have noticed any flaw in you both physically or in your persona while going out on these multiple dates with you, they will make a mental note of that.
They will then tell themselves that they can find someone online who doesn’t have these flaws.
As a result, they continue checking their online dating account even though they may still be going on multiple dates with you.
For the people who joined the online dating site with the intent of meeting multiple people and going on multiple dates with them, they will continue checking their online dating accounts with that exact purpose.
They are not content with just going on multiple dates with you, an individual.
They want to go on multiple dates with multiple people at the same time.
Oftentimes, people who join an online dating site with this mentality never intended to find a serious relationship.
They are typically more interested in hooking up.
The more people they have to go on multiple dates with, the more opportunities they have to hook up with multiple people.
This kind of approach keeps this person constantly checking on their online dating account.
For a person like this, they always want to improve on the level of attractiveness of each of their dates.
It almost becomes like a game to them.
Hence, if they were to go on multiple dates with you and feel that your level of attractiveness is at an eight, they will also want to get back on their online dating account in order to try to find the perfect ten.
Sometimes, they will become completely obsessed with this singular motivation.
They become caught up in the superficiality of it all.
They may even be in competition with their friends who may also be members of the dating site to see who can land the best looking person from the online dating site first.
Hence, if you have noticed that you have gone on multiple dates with a particular person and they are still constantly checking their online dating account, that person may fall into one of these two categories.