How To Turn Down Someone That You Aren’t Physically Attracted To On A Dating Website?

How To Turn Down Someone That You Aren't Physically Attracted To On A Dating Website?

You just need to be straightforward and honest with the person.

This is your only responsibility when it comes to turning down someone that you aren’t physically attracted to on a dating website.

You are not responsible for how they take the news or for their emotions.

Oftentimes, people make the mistake of worrying too much about hurting someone else’s feelings.

As a result, they continue having conversations with the person on a dating website.

This makes the person become that much more hopeful that romance will ensue.

The person becomes more and more emotionally invested.

But this is all for naught.

Just like you, these people aren’t physically attracted to this person.

They know that no romance will ever ensue from this correspondence.

However, they have taken so long to inform the person.

This has been a waste of both their time and that of the person being turned down.

You should never put yourself in this position.

It would be much worse.

To turn down someone that you aren’t physically attracted to on a dating website, you should do so earlier on in your correspondence with them.

Simply tell them that you are appreciative of their interest in you but you aren’t interested in them romantically.

This is really it.

It may sound somewhat blunt.

However, this is exactly how you should go about it.

You need to be absolutely clear with the person so that they do not misinterpret your words in any way.

Being ambiguous with their words is often the mistake that people make when they are trying to turn down someone that they aren’t physically attracted to on a dating website.

They will sugarcoat their true meaning and inadvertently leave an opening of some sort.

They may talk about being really busy at the time or about how they may be taking a break from online dating.

In essence, they make it seem as though the problem is with them as opposed to the fact that they just aren’t physically attracted to the person.

As a result, they give some of these people hope.

They will still keep returning to the dating website because they weren’t actually honest about being really busy or taking a break from online dating.

The person that they turned down in this ineffective manner will also be on the dating website and will notice that the person that just turned them down is still using the dating website.

Guess what happens then?

They may start getting stalked by the person that was ambiguously turned down.

The person that was ambiguously turned down may even send them a message asking them why they lied.

This is never a position that you should put yourself in.

By being ambiguous when you turn down someone that you aren’t attracted to on a dating website, you leave an opening that they may still use, depending on the kind of person that you are dealing with.

This is why you must be clear and unambiguous when you turn down someone that you aren’t physically attracted to on a dating website.

Again, tell them that you are appreciative of their interest in you but you aren’t interested in them romantically.

That is really it.

Your only responsibility is to be honest.

This actually shows that you are giving this person a lot of respect.

As opposed to being ambiguous with this person and leading them on, you have given them a clear response that indicates that you aren’t interested in them romantically.

Again, you aren’t responsible for how they take the news.

Regardless of how well or badly they take it, you have given them an opportunity to understand the situation and move on.

This is much better and kinder than leading them on.