You should try your best not to get really caught up on this one guy.
Regardless of how good you thought his dating profile was when you saw it, you don’t truly know this guy.
Hence, you should avoid creating stories in your mind about what you think this guy is about and how much the both of you would connect.
This is often the danger that people run into when they become enamored by someone else’s dating profile.
They begin to make up stories in their mind about how great this person must be and how right they would be for each other.
They get really caught up in these thoughts and this is very dangerous.
Naturally, your mind will only create the best possible scenarios about this one guy.
This is what helps to keep making you feel good about thinking about him.
Your mind will simply give you more of what you want so as to keep making you feel good.
Before you know it, you have already become emotionally invested in this guy and you don’t even know him yet.
Being that your mind is only going to create the best possible scenarios so as to keep making you feel good, there is no way this one guy is going to be able to meet those expectations.
He is just a human being who has flaws like every other human being.
He has good days and bad days like every other human being.
He has mood swings like every other human being.
He has insecurities like every other human being.
You should really bring yourself back to reality and understand this.
What you saw on his dating profile may have made you feel really good, but you need to understand that this was always the intention.
When people join a dating website and create a profile, they are naturally going to write about their favorable points.
They joined the dating website in order to attract someone.
Hence, they are not going to write about mistakes that they have made in life or about their insecurities.
They are almost always going to present themselves in the best light so that they can attract someone to them.
You should understand this.
In fact, you probably did the same thing with your own dating profile.
It is unlikely that you wrote about how you messed up at something at some time in the past or about some of the bad habits that you may have.
You most likely wrote about yourself as positively as you could so that you would be able to have a better chance at attracting someone to you.
Understanding this will help you avoid getting really caught up on this one guy that you saw on a dating website.
It will help you become more realistic about the chances that this guy may not be as perfect as your thoughts and emotions have made him out to be.
To further help you avoid getting really caught up on this one guy that you saw on a dating website, you should stop coming back to view his dating profile.
The more you come back to view his dating profile, the more likely that you will continue creating these stories in your mind about what this guy must be like and how well the both of you will connect.
These imaginary stories will make it that much harder for you to be more realistic about the likelihood that this guy is not as perfect as you have made him out to be.
Instead of constantly coming back to view his dating profile, send him a message.
This will help to break the cycle of constantly imagining what it would be like to talk to him.
If he was to respond to your message, let the process of communication unfold naturally.
Avoid making yourself believe that the correspondence is headed in the direction of romance.
If the both of you truly connect, then there may be romance in your future with him.
However, even if romance were to ensue with this guy, always remember that he is only human and thereby has flaws.
This will give you a more realistic approach to this possible romance, thereby improving the chances that it will work out.