You should be honest with this guy and let him know that you would like something more with him, regardless of what your online dating profile said.
Honesty is your best approach in this current situation.
The mistake that people often make in your situation is when they don’t tell the guy soon enough.
They simply stay quiet about it in the hopes that the guy will be the one who tells them at some point in the future that he would like to go beyond casual sex and pursue something more.
This is always a very dangerous way to go about handling this issue because the guy will most likely never get to that point.
If you don’t attempt to change the dynamics of the relationship by letting him know that you are no longer looking for casual sex but that you want something more, he will just continue looking at the relationship as a casual one.
Hence, if at some point, you may finally get the courage to tell him that you want something more, it may just be too late.
He would just see you as someone that he has casual sex with and nothing more.
Trying to get him to suddenly switch and start looking at you as something more than a person that he just has casual sex with will be very difficult for him.
He would not want that kind of responsibility nor pressure after having gotten used to an easy casual sex relationship with you.
Unfortunately, at this stage, the girl may already have strong feelings for the guy or even be in love with him.
He would not be able to return those feelings and the girl is often left heartbroken.
This is never a good position to be in.
Even though your online dating profile said that you were looking for casual sex, this doesn’t mean that you are not allowed to change your mind.
There is no rulebook that says that you are not allowed to move from one type of relationship that you were initially desiring to another.
People do this all the time.
Hence, you shouldn’t let yourself believe that telling this guy that you met on an online dating site about wanting something more would somehow make it seem as though you are now changing the rules.
Again, there is nothing that prevents you from changing your mind in terms of the kind of relationship that you want.
If you are currently feeling like you want something more out of this casual sex relationship, this would be the time to let him know.
You shouldn’t take the risk of not telling this guy and ultimately reaching the point where you may develop feelings for him.
It would be unlikely that even revealing that you have feelings for this guy at this stage would change the likelihood that he would want to get into a more serious relationship with you.
You should understand where you stand right now in terms of how you view this casual sex relationship.
If you believe that you are wanting something more, you should ask yourself why this has happened.
If your online dating profile said that you were looking for casual sex, there is a reason why you wanted that kind of relationship.
Ask yourself about whether you truly believe that you can handle a different kind of relationship.
You should not be thinking that you want something more out of this guy simply because you are jealous that he is also getting casual sex from other girls on the online dating site.
That would not be a good reason.
It would only set you up to be the jealous type even if he were to agree to getting into a more serious relationship with you.
This never bodes well for a relationship.
Make sure that your reason for wanting something more out of this casual sex relationship is healthy and positive in nature.
Perhaps you have discovered that you are able to be open and free with this guy to the point where you have come to trust him with very sensitive personal information.
Perhaps you have discovered that this guy is actually very caring and tends to have your best interest in mind.
Just make sure that you want something more from this guy for the right reasons and not because you are worried about the other girls from the online dating site that he may also be having casual sex relationships with.
If you assess that you want something more from this guy for healthy reasons, then you should tell him how you feel and the kind of relationship that you want.
If he feels the same way, he will most likely agree to dating you exclusively.
If he doesn’t, he won’t.
Either way, you will know and you will be able to move forward with your life in a positive way.