Online Dating: Who Has It Hardest, Guys Or Girls?

Online Dating: Who Has It Hardest, Guys Or Girls?

Both guys and girls can have it hardest if they don’t approach online dating in the right way.

There are different advantages and disadvantages that both guys and girls have in online dating.

Girls often get the most messages when they are online dating.

On average, a girl will get more messages on an online dating site than a guy does.

The advantage of getting more messages than guys is that she gets to have more romantic prospects to choose from.

She is able to compare the personalities and looks of different guys who have sent her messages and shown interest in her and use that information to help her determine who she likes best.

By getting this much attention from guys, a girl is also able to get a good idea of the kind of guys that inhabit the online dating site.

This helps her to determine whether the online dating site has the kind of guys that she would be typically attracted to.

The hardest part about getting so many more messages than men on online dating sites is that the majority of these messages tend to be frivolous and generic in nature.

A girl will often get messages like, “Hey,” or “What’s up,” or “You’re hot,” in her message box.

These kind of messages do not give her much motivation to respond because they have no substance.

It gets harder as she starts having to go through these messages and pick out the ones that do have substance.

Oftentimes, this process can even feel like a job.

It can get so hard that some girls simply quit the online dating site altogether.

They simply become too overwhelmed with these kind of messages and trying to make out the good ones from the bad ones.

Although this may be one of the hardest parts of online dating for a number of girls, guys who are typically not at the receiving end of numerous initial messages from girls can turn this to their advantage.

Guys simply don’t have to worry about getting numerous messages from girls that tend to be frivolous in nature and unsubstantial.

Most girls on online dating sites tend to have the same approach to dating as they do in real life.

They would rather be the ones who are approached.

Hence, they will often not send the first message to a guy.

This gives guys who are smart about this the opportunity to really get into a girl’s dating profile and learn more about what the girl is like.

Guys aren’t distracted by all the frivolous messages that girls get.

As a result, the guys who truly do online dating the right way, use this to their advantage by focusing on the online dating profiles of the girls that they like and sending those girls the right kind of messages.

These messages should be relevant to the girl’s online dating profile, thereby giving the girl the right impression that the guy actually read her online dating profile.

Knowing this is often what entices the girl to respond to the guy’s message.

Though it may seem as though getting a lot less messages than girls is one of the hardest parts about online dating, it can actually be turned into an advantage by allowing the smart guys the ability to focus and thereby send proper messages.

Guys who do this will also often stick out from all the other guys who send these girls messages because these guys will often be more focused on sending substantial messages as opposed to superficial ones.