Should I Be Wary When A Guy I Met On A Dating Site Wants To Meet Late At Night For Drinks, Near Where He Lives?

Should I Be Wary When A Guy I Met On A Dating Site Wants To Meet Late At Night For Drinks, Near Where He Lives?

Yes, you should be wary.

It hasn’t been long since you started chatting with him on a dating app.

The conversations have been enjoyable and there has been good chemistry shared with him.

This made you open to meeting him in person.

Nonetheless, you weren’t expecting to be asked to meet late at night for drinks, and near where he lives.

It left you feeling suspicious.

And so you should be.

It is far too conspicuous.

A first meeting should be innocuous.

A meeting at a coffee shop.

A meeting for lunch.

A meeting at a public park.

A first meeting should feel safe and unsuspicious.

Inviting you to meet late at night for drinks is a first meeting that wreaks of ulterior motives.

His dating profile states that he is looking for a relationship, and so are you.

Yet, he wants you to meet him late at night for drinks at a place that is near where he lives.

Your instincts are on the right trajectory.

Listen to them.

Our instincts are there to warn us as human beings.

Unfortunately, as human beings, we let our desires get the best of us on some occasions, and we don’t listen to our instincts.

We shut them out when we don’t like the message.

Don’t do that now.

This isn’t a guy you actually know.

You recently met him on a dating app.

Regardless of how well you have gotten along with each other on a dating app, it doesn’t change the fact that this guy is a stranger to you.

As far as you know, his dating profile is filled with lies and misrepresentation.

Getting along on a dating app in no way means that he is above suspicion.

You have never met this man in real life.

All you have to go on is what you have seen on his dating profile and the conversations you have had with him.

With this realization, you mustn’t let any of the good feelings you have had about this guy to cloud your judgment or common sense.

Yes, online dating isn’t the smoothest process when seeking out a relationship partner.

Undoubtedly, you have had your fair share of matches that never went anywhere.

Guys who have broken dates with you or ghosted you in the midst of an ongoing conversation.

With such bad experiences on a dating site, it’s a breath of fresh air when you finally match with a guy who seems legitimate and conducts interesting conversations with you.

Unfortunately, this line of thinking is what makes people ignore their safety when it comes to how they go about meeting a match in person.

Don’t be that person.

Remember that your safety comes first before everything else.

A guy who wants to meet you late at night for drinks, near where he lives, is far too suspicious.

It wreaks of a guy who is looking to get you inebriated and get you back to his place.

Yes, your instincts are absolutely correct.

Listen to them.

Be wary of this offer, and turn it down.