Online Dating: I Can Sense Her Energy Has Dropped Since The First Date. Do I Just Cut My Losses?

Online Dating: I Can Sense Her Energy Has Dropped Since The First Date. Do I Just Cut My Losses?

The first date didn’t meet her expectations.

This is why her energy has dropped since then.

It’s a far cry from how high her energy level was when you initially matched with her on a dating app and began messaging each other.

Her anticipation was at a high when you subsequently arranged a first date with her.

She expected that upon meeting you in person, the same chemistry she had shared with you on a dating app would be evident.

It wasn’t.

This isn’t unusual on dating apps.

Chemistry on a dating app doesn’t always translate to chemistry in real life.

Was there something different about you at the first date?

Assuming that she wasn’t disappointed with your physical looks, being that she was already fully aware of what you look like, thanks to your dating profile photos, her disappointment stemmed from your personality?

Was your personality at the first date different from what you conveyed on the dating app?

It’s natural to be nervous when you meet a match in person.

There are loads of people who are so overwhelmed with nerves at a first date, they end up acting differently from how they behaved on a dating app.

In your case, you play it too safe, worried about saying something that turns her off or offends her.

Your posture and composure is so stiff, you come off as robotic.

There is no flexibility in your personality or body language.

This is when you are displaying a personality that she isn’t used to.

She was thinking that you would be the same guy in personality that she matched with on a dating app.

Once she observes this difference in your personality, she is disappointed.

Consequently, it leads to a drop in her energy after the first date.

Is this what you did?

Were you unlike yourself at the first date?

If so, you shouldn’t cut your losses.

After all, this is a woman you were effortlessly connecting with on a dating app before that fateful first date.

That says something.

That means that you were connecting on an emotional level on the dating app.

Supposing you weren’t your true self at the first date, it is worth it to ask her out on a second date.

The key to success on this second date is to avoid getting nerves.

A first step in doing this is to set up a second date at a place or in an area that you are familiar with or frequent.

When you are familiar with a place or area, there is a perception of familiarity that quells nerves.

To further avoid nerves, after you set up a second date with her, don’t let your thoughts dwell on it.

Instead, with each passing day, get busy doing your daily tasks and find new tasks to do when you realize that you are idle.

Being idle is your worst enemy.

Keep yourself busy on the days leading up to the second date.

This keeps you from creating negative scenarios in your mind about how the second date is going to go.

This prevents you from getting nerves.

On the day of the date, look back on the conversations you had with her on the dating app.

Take a few of those topics and ask her follow-up questions about them at the second date.

This way, you reintroduce topics that have already been proven to create a connection between you, and you don’t have to make yourself anxious about what questions to ask her at the second date.

Doing this keeps the flow of the conversations at the second date top-notch.

These actions, when executed in real life, rekindles the chemistry you once shared with her on the dating app.