Should I Confront Him About Using Online Dating Sites?

Should I Confront Him About Using Online Dating Sites?

You should confront him about using online dating sites if this is a person that you are in an exclusive relationship with.

If the both of you had previously agreed to be in an exclusive relationship with each other and you have discovered that he is using online dating sites, this is something that must be addressed.

It is necessary.

However, when you have this confrontation, you should ensure that you aren’t being too defensive or argumentative.

It is best to have a real conversation about this as opposed to screaming at each other.

If you were to approach him in a manner that is very argumentative and aggressive, he may try to find a way to circumvent the situation and give excuses.

He may lie about why he is using online dating sites or even deny it.

He may make up some story that just isn’t grounded in truth or even common sense.

He may even choose not to address it at all and instead, he runs off somewhere else.

Some guys are very adverse to confrontation.

They don’t like being found out and are often unsure of how to approach it or what to say.

Hence, he may try to find a way to avoid talking about it altogether.

He may tell you that he is busy and that he will talk about it later.

He may tell you that he has more important issues right now and that this just isn’t the time.

He may try to avoid seeing you physically altogether for a sustained period of time.

In essence, he may do everything he can to avoid the topic or issue if you are being very aggressive and argumentative with him.

To confront him with this, you should do so face to face and do it at a time when you are both relaxed and he has his guard down.

This is a moment that is most conducive to getting him to be honest about why he is using online dating sites.

It will be harder for him to avoid the topic in this particular scenario because you are right there with him physically and you aren’t being argumentative in your approach.

If anything, you spoke to him in an even tone that showed no degree of anger or emotion in it.

This is the kind of tone that you should use when you confront him about using online dating sites.

This is the kind of tone that gives him no reason to get angry or try to avoid the topic.

In essence, you are both relaxed and in a calm environment with just the both of you.

Getting an honest answer from him is where you want to be.

If he tries to deny the fact that he is using online dating sites and you are absolutely certain that he has, you can calmly let him know why you believe that it is him that has been using these online dating sites.

If he tries to manufacture anger or throw the blame back at you, you may be better off not being with this guy any longer.

The only way the both of you can work through this is if he admits to what he has been doing and is sincere in making a change.