They have taken their serious relationships for granted and now feel like they can take chances on those relationships.
In other words, these men may have gotten comfortable in their serious relationships to the point where they no longer fear what would happen if they were to start talking to other girls.
They feel as though they can get away with this kind of behavior because they don’t believe that their romantic partners will ever leave them.
Men in serious relationships talk to other girls on online dating sites because they may have gotten bored with their serious relationships.
They may feel as though they know just about everything that there is to know about their significant others and therefore there is no more mystery.
With a hunger for mystery and to get out of their boredom within their serious relationships, they start talking to other girls on online dating sites.
These men hope that they will get some excitement into their lives by talking to other girls on online dating sites.
They want more mystery.
They want to rediscover someone.
They want unpredictability.
These are all factors that these men may believe that they have now lost by being in their current serious relationships.
Men in serious relationships talk to other girls on online dating sites because they may be unhappy in their serious relationships.
They may have gotten to the point where they feel that they have too much invested in their relationships to simply end them or quit. However, they are still unhappy with them.
In order to help them cope with their unhappiness and dissatisfaction with their relationships, these men talk to other girls on online dating sites so that they can get an escape from their reality.
They want a girl to tell them about how amazing they are or about how much she would love to meet them in life.
They aren’t necessarily intending to take up any girl who offers to meet them in the real world on their offer.
However, they do like to hear that.
They want to hear more about what this girl likes in them so that they can feel reassured in the knowledge that they are still someone who is desirable.
Men in serious relationships talk to other girls on online dating sites because they may feel as though they simply can’t talk to their romantic partners anymore.
These men may be in serious relationships where meaningful conversation has become something of the past.
Conversations may now be relegated to talking about bills and what errands need to be run.
These men in serious relationships may feel as though they simply can’t talk with their romantic partners about topics that matter to them or that they enjoy.
Hence, they turn to online dating sites to talk to girls because they want someone who will listen to them.
They may have all kinds of emotions that have built up within them.
These men use these other girls that they talk to on online dating sites as an outlet for their emotions.
They can express themselves to these other girls that they talk to on online dating sites in a way that they can’t to their serious relationship partners.
They talk to these other girls on online dating sites because those girls may be making them feel as though their issues matter. In essence, they may be using these other girls as a form of therapy.