What Is The Best Way To Say You Have A High Sex Drive In Your Dating Profile Without Attracting The Wrong Attention?

What Is The Best Way To Say You Have A High Sex Drive In Your Dating Profile Without Attracting The Wrong Attention?

You have to define what you believe is the wrong kind of attention and be very clear about that in your mind.

Mentioning anything having to do with sex in your dating profile is going to attract attention, regardless of whether you are referencing your sex drive or something else to do with sex.

Why do you feel the need to say that you have a high sex drive?

You have had some poor encounters in the past?

You met guys that disappointed you in the bedroom in terms of how high their sex drive was?

Clearly, whatever your reason to want to say that you have a high sex drive in your dating profile, you believe that there is a need for it.

Again, determine what exactly you mean by the wrong attention.

Is it a person who immediately starts his correspondence with you by saying crude things about sex and expecting that the both of you meet right away to have said sex?

Do you prefer that whoever messages you uses tact, knows how to flirt and makes you feel mentally connected to them before trying to sleep with you?

In any case, you shouldn’t mention that you have a high sex drive in your dating profile at all.

This bit of information isn’t necessary.

Yes, including it in your dating profile can attract the wrong attention, but it can also turn off good matches that actually have what you are looking for, high sex drives.

Instead of focusing so much on the high sex drive part of this, which can attract the wrong attention, think about the activities that you love to do in the real world.

People with high sex drives often have unique lifestyles.

They live a certain way.

Eat a certain way.

Socialize a certain way.

Have unique hobbies.

Think about your lifestyle.

Find some of the more relevant aspects to your personality and lifestyle.

Write about those aspects in detail.

There is a good chance that doing this attracts the right attention to you.

People with low sex drives live very different lives from people with high sex drives.

They aren’t always as active, adventurous or health-conscious.

When you articulate the finer points of your lifestyle that define who you are, you attract people who live the same kind of lifestyle.

As you chat with them online, you should be able to further confirm that they have a similar lifestyle to yours based on the way they respond to your questions.

Soon, the camaraderie naturally segues into flirtatious banter.

By this point, you can bring up your high sex drive without having to worry about how awkward, blatant or out of place it sounds.

If you have done your due diligence in vetting this person during your conversations, there is a good chance that they respond by telling you that they also have a high sex drive.

Again, people who have high sex drives live very different lifestyles than people who have low sex drives.

In having a high sex drive yourself, the activities that are most pertinent to your way of life will mesh with people who also happen to have a high sex drive.

Write about those activities in your dating profile instead of blatantly saying that you have a high sex drive.

This attracts the right matches to you and minimizes the wrong ones.