Why Do Guys Message Girls On Online Dating Sites When The Girls Don’t Have A Picture?

Why Do Guys Message Girls On Online Dating Sites When The Girls Don't Have A Picture?

They may have had positive experiences with girls who don’t have a picture on their online dating profiles in the past.

These guys may have taken a risk in sending messages to these girls on online dating sites in the past and some of these girls may have turned out to be really good catches.

Hence, they decide to keep sending messages to girls on online dating sites who don’t have a picture because they are hoping to have more positive experiences like they have had in the past.

The girls on online dating sites that they have interacted with in the past who didn’t have a picture may have been very pleasant to talk to and may have even ultimately met these guys on dates in the real world.

These guys who message girls on online dating sites when the girls don’t have a picture may be hoping that they will have more of these kind of experiences and that one of those experiences may eventually lead to getting a girlfriend.

Guys also message girls on online dating sites when the girls don’t have a picture because they may feel that they will have a better chance at getting a response from these girls.

These guys may know that most guys on online dating sites aren’t going to send messages to girls who don’t have a picture on their online dating profiles.

They take advantage of this knowledge by messaging these girls because they know that their messages are going to be one of very few, if any, that the girls will receive on online dating sites.

Most of the guys on online dating sites are focused on sending messages to girls that have a picture or more on their online dating profiles.

Most guys will also often focus on messaging girls who have the most attractive pictures.

Being that so many guys on online dating sites do this, the majority of girls who have pictures on their online dating profiles are inundated with messages.

Most of these messages, which tend to be very generic and superficial in nature, do not get responded to.

The guys who message girls on online dating sites who don’t have a picture are aware that most girls who have pictures on their online dating profiles do not respond to the numerous messages that they get from guys.

Indeed, they may have even experienced this when they chose to send messages to girls on online dating sites who had a picture or more on their online dating profiles.

By changing their strategy to sending messages to girls on online dating sites who don’t have a picture, these guys are hoping that they will be one of very few messages, if any, that the girls get.

Thereby, this may dramatically increase their chances of getting a response from these girls.

These guys are willing to take their chances on the girl’s looks.

It is a gamble for them.

However, they feel that they are better off taking their chances by messaging girls on online dating sites who don’t have a picture than by consistently getting no responses to messages that they send to girls who have a picture or more on their online dating profiles.

If these girls on online dating sites who don’t have a picture respond to these guys, it won’t be long before these guys request a picture from them.

Though these guys have taken a risk in contacting girls on online dating sites who don’t have a picture, they do not want to spend too much time and energy on them without knowing what they actually looks like.

Guys may also message girls on online dating sites when they don’t have a picture because they may be believe that the girls are shy and can relate to that.

In essence, they may be shy guys themselves in real life.

They may have even found it difficult to post a picture or more of themselves on online dating sites when they first started.

Hence, they can relate to girls who may feel uncomfortable with putting a picture on their online dating profiles.

These guys may be hoping that they will have a better chance of connecting with these kind of girls being that they are shy themselves.