Getting girls to talk to them away from the dating website keeps the girl from getting distracted by the competition.
Guys know that girls tend to get a lot of attention from guys in general on dating websites.
They know that this puts them at a disadvantage.
With this knowledge, they may try to improve their chances with girls by making an effort to get girls to talk to them away from the dating website.
This way, the girl can apply all of her attention on these guys when they are on another medium.
She is not going to be distracted with messages of interest from all the other guys who would be reaching out to her on the dating website.
Though they met her on the dating website, they know that the dating website can be too much of a distraction.
She may not only get distracted by the other guys who would be sending her messages on the dating website and trying to talk to her.
She may also get distracted with wanting to browse through dating profiles in order to check out more guys.
These guys who try to get girls to talk to them away from the dating website that they met her on will typically know this.
By getting girls away from the dating website, they are able to limit as many distractions as they can from the girl.
Guys try to get girls to talk to them away from the dating website that they met her on because it puts them in more control of the interaction.
Oftentimes, these guys will want to get these girls to talk to them through mediums that they are more comfortable using.
They may try to get girls to talk to them on another website, social media site, phone app, text app, etc.
Whichever route they choose, these will often be mediums that these guys are comfortable using.
They tend to really be in their element when they use these mediums to communicate with people.
By getting girls to talk to them on these mediums, these guys have much greater control of how the interaction may go.
They are more comfortable and familiar with the medium, so they may know of ways that they can go about talking to the girl that would have the most preferred result.
On a dating website, they don’t have this kind of control. They are at the mercy of whatever the dating website provides in terms of communication tools.
However, on another medium that they are comfortable using, they are able to use communication tools and maneuvers that they are used to implementing.
Guys try to get girls to talk to them away from the dating website that they met her on because they may feel that the girl will get a much better sense of who they are through this particular medium.
In other words, they may use a medium that they know has a much better profile of them than what they have on the dating website.
It may also be a medium where the girl is able to observe just how popular the guy may be in terms of who tends to follow him.
Thereby, oftentimes, guys will try to get girls to talk to them on a different medium in order to impress the girl.
When she is able to see just how many followers he has on this medium or the kind of attention he gets on it, it may impress the girl enough that she may become that much more interested in the guy.
These guys know that impressing a girl in this way on a dating website would not really be possible.
They try to get girls to talk to them away from the dating website that they met her on and into a medium that they may be popular on so that they can get her to understand just how much of a catch they are.