Why Has There Been An Uptick In The Amount Of Dating Profiles That Mention Hygiene?

Why Has There Been An Uptick In The Amount Of Dating Profiles That Mention Hygiene?

Hygiene is fundamental.

People didn’t feel the need to mention it on their dating profiles in the past because they believed that it was a given.

Anyone who has the means to use a dating app should have the means to maintain a modicum of hygiene.

This conclusion didn’t last.

You are now seeing an uptick in the amount of dating profiles that mention hygiene.

Dating apps attract everyone.

That includes people who have no concept of personal hygiene.

People like this are on a dating app for a reason.

Their lack of hygiene has stymied any attempts to get dates from people they meet in real life.

A dating app offers cover.

No one can tell that the person they just matched with, who looked normal enough in their dating profile pictures, has no concept of personal hygiene.

You can’t tell whether a person stinks from looking at a photo, as long as the person doesn’t look like a bum in the photo.

His photo doesn’t reveal that he hasn’t bathed in weeks in real life.

The shirt he was wearing in the photo hasn’t been washed in eons either.

But you can’t tell that from a photo.

You didn’t see his nails in his photo either, they were conveniently out of view, but in real life, they are so caked with dirt, they could support a colony of micro insects.

Ditto for women too.

Her photos show her with full makeup on, but beneath the makeup is a stench you can’t smell through a photo on a dating app.

The moment she arrives at the restaurant for the date, her body odor and stink pulverizes the nostrils of the restaurant’s workers and customers.

As she walks towards her date who is seated, she stinks up her path and once she arrives at the table, her date smells the odor and sinks into his chair in embarrassment.

The impersonal nature of photos on a dating app hides what lies beneath.

There are a significant volume of people in this world who have no respect for their personal hygiene.

It’s not a new phenomenon.

Again, dating apps attract everyone, which means that there are bound to be people who don’t care about their personal hygiene that sign up.

This uptick in the amount of dating profiles that mention hygiene is also attributed to a general perception that any topic is fair game in the digital hemisphere.

There is a brazenness that has resulted from the pervasive nature of the internet.

In the digital hemisphere, everyone is emboldened to say what they think and feel, without any filter.

It’s not this brazen in real life.

Social norms that shun on shaming or criticizing someone in public still exists.

The internet is different.

It’s a platform that encourages critique and sensationalism.

Some of the most popular people on the internet are the ones who stoke controversy.

It’s easier for someone on a dating app to mention hygiene inside the bedlam of the internet, than it is for that same person to mention hygiene to someone they are courting in real life.

The internet makes everyone emboldened to speak their mind, knowing that this is behavior that is lauded and rewarded in the digital hemisphere.

It isn’t just hygiene that is mentioned on dating profiles nowadays.

It’s everything and anything.

Many dating profiles have gone as far as writing an entire laundry list of what they aren’t looking for in a potential partner.

Some, hygiene for instance, are justified.

Others, border on lunacy.