You should delete your online dating accounts after the both of you have agreed to be in an exclusive relationship.
Even though this is a new relationship, if you have gotten to the point where you have both decided that you want to be exclusive to each other, that is really the best time to delete your online dating accounts.
Some people may hesitate to do this because the relationship is so new and thereby, they are uncertain of whether it will last.
However, if you were not to delete your online dating accounts, you would both know that you have a backup plan and you may both not put in the kind of effort that is necessary in order to make the new relationship work.
This is why you should really be weary about not deleting your online dating accounts after having both decided to be in an exclusive relationship.
Not deleting your online dating accounts may cause you not to put out the right kind of effort and patience into the new relationship being that you would simply know that you have something to fall back on if this new relationship doesn’t work.
Hence, you may not even be willing to work through early relationship issues that the both of you may have.
You may feel that it is simply too much work.
After all, you can easily go back to your online dating account to see who else is out there.
Not deleting your online dating accounts could make the both of you simply get lazy in your new relationship.
You may not be willing to get out of your comfort zone with your new relationship partner because you simply believe that you don’t have to.
This means that you may become unwilling to engage with your new relationship partner in activities that they love but you may never have tried.
In essence, you may not want to put in that kind of effort.
By sticking to engaging in only activities that you are familiar with, you would have less work to do.
You may develop this mentality because, in the back of your mind, you may know that if this new relationship partner doesn’t want to stick with engaging in only the activities that you are familiar with doing, you can easily find someone else on the online dating site who will.
You should delete your online dating accounts at the point where you have both decided to be exclusive because by keeping them active, you may be tempted to go back and check on your messages.
You may feel as though you are doing so merely out of curiosity but this can be very dangerous.
If you were to receive a message from someone that seems to meet everything that you want in a person, you may be tempted to open up conversation with that person.
You may tell yourself that there is nothing to worry about. After all, it is just conversation.
However, before you know it, you could find yourself looking forward to talking to this person more and more.
This will make you start ignoring the new relationship that you are already in.
Your new relationship partner will sense this and they may soon break up with you as a result.
By not deleting your online dating account, you may constantly find yourself in this kind of cycle.
You may start a new relationship, then proceed to start communicating with someone else on the online dating site and then the new relationship ends shortly afterwards.
Rinse and repeat.
With this kind of behavior, you will never truly give any new relationship a chance.
Hence, it is best to delete your online dating accounts once you have both decided to be in an exclusive relationship.
This allows the both of you the opportunity to fully focus your attention on your new relationship and increase the likelihood of it succeeding by so doing.