It is best not to google search someone that you started seeing from online dating.
Some people have a habit of doing this with people that they meet from online dating.
It can be tempting, being that we are currently living in the information age.
However, it is best to resist that temptation.
It is best to get to know this person as who they are, not as what a google search will make them out to be.
In other words, if you were to google search this person that you started seeing from online dating, you may get information that isn’t true to who the person really is.
A person’s online persona can be totally different from their real life persona.
With a google search on this person, you may get varying bits of information about this person that you decide to piece together.
What you may put together may have absolutely no bearing on what this person truly is like in real life.
You may now take this judgement about this person into your real life interactions with this person.
Unfortunately, you may be judging this person unwisely.
You may be expecting them to behave a certain way based on the information that you gathered about them on the google search.
You may try to mentally corroborate the information that they give you in real life with what you have learned about through the google search.
If there is a discrepancy, you may become guarded or feel suspicious.
In other words, by doing a google search on someone that you started seeing from online dating, you could literally create a massive confusion about who you believe that you are interacting with.
This can cause a lot of stress in your real life interactions with this person.
It could even ultimately end it.
You are better off allowing the person to actually show you what they are about in real life.
This is where you have the best chance of getting a true assessment of what this person that you started seeing from online dating is truly like.
You will get to interact with them in real life and observe their mannerisms.
You may ultimately get to meet people in their lives who may be friends or family members.
You will be able to learn even more about this person through these people.
In time, you will be able to have a true and thorough assessment about who this person really is.
You will not be able to get that through a google search.
A google search would only give you bits of information that may totally misrepresent the kind of person that this person truly is.
Also, if you were to google search someone that you started seeing from online dating, you may either get negative or positive accounts about the person based on who has decided to go online to write about the person.
These accounts would not give you a true sense of what this person is like.
This is why you should focus more so on getting to know this person in real life and thereby having something truly tangible to use to judge this person’s real character.
If you were to google search someone that you started seeing from online dating, you may also come across very obsolete information about this person.
This person may have a totally different state of being in the present day.
If you were to take that obsolete information as evidence of what the person’s life is like in present day, you may be completely mistaken.
Hence, you may judge this person incorrectly based on the obsolete information that you gathered about that person on the google search.
This is never a good place to be because you may make assumptions of this person and act accordingly based on irrelevant information.