You shouldn’t respond to this woman at all.
If she is being mean to you and you gave her no obvious reason to be this way, it is best to let this go.
When a woman is being mean to you on a dating website and you did nothing rude or incendiary to provoke that behavior, her issue doesn’t often lie with you.
In a scenario like this, the issue will often lie on her end.
Perhaps she was being mean to you because for the last several days or weeks, she has been at the receiving end of rude messages from guys who were unhappy that she didn’t respond to their messages.
Women receive a lot more messages from guys on a dating website than guys receive from girls.
Oftentimes, many of these messages are not responded to because many of these women simply get overwhelmed and the majority of these messages are very generic and superficial in nature.
Some of these men take the lack of a response personally and decide to lash out at the woman for not responding to them.
A woman can be at the receiving end of several of these kind of messages from men on a daily basis.
Women do not sign on as members of a dating website with the intent of being abused by men.
Hence, for some of these women, this kind of abuse could eventually lead them to lashing out.
This may be why this woman was being mean to you on a dating website.
She may have simply lumped you together with all the other men that have been sending her abusive messages because she didn’t respond to their initial messages.
Thereby, you shouldn’t take the fact that this woman was being mean to you personally.
Again, as long as you did nothing rude or incendiary to provoke her, she was most likely simply lashing out at you because of how annoyed she is with the men that have been sending her rude and abusive messages.
You should not respond to a woman that is being mean to you on a dating website because you would simply be investing your time and energy on a pointless cause.
If you were to respond to her rudely and she were to respond back, the both of you could get into an email screaming match with each other on the dating website.
You would be investing all this precious time and energy fighting with this woman on a dating website when you should be building relationships with other women who may be great matches for you.
The vitriol between the both of you could become so heated that it could even affect how you go about communicating with other women on the dating website.
You may find yourself still thinking about a heated exchange that you recently had with this woman as you are about to engage in conversation with another woman on the dating website that has nothing to do with any of this.
Without realizing it, there may be a moment in your conversation with this innocent woman where you may become rude or short with her.
She will notice this and be completely turned off by it.
Even if you were to try to apologize to her after the fact, she would most likely still not be willing to continue engaging in conversation with you.
You would have ruined her first impression of you and there would really be no coming back from that.
You would lose out on a woman that could have been a great match for you.
This is why you should just avoid the drama that will probably ensue if you were to respond to this woman who was being mean to you on a dating website.
Simply delete her message and move on.