How Should I Take This Online Dating Response…”I’m Currently Taking A Break From Online Dating, Good Luck?”

How Should I Take This Online Dating Response..."I'm Currently Taking A Break From Online Dating, Good Luck?"

This is a person taking a break from the whole online dating space and making that final.

In essence, this person doesn’t want to communicate with you any longer on the online dating website and they are really hoping that you get the message.

Now, this may seem weird that they are suddenly taking a break from online dating, especially if everything has been going well between the both of you.

However, this kind of online dating response is not uncommon.

One of the most common reasons why you would receive an online dating response like this informing you about that person wanting to take a break from online dating and wishing you good luck would be because this person truly does want to take a break.

Perhaps they have not only been communicating with you on the online dating site this whole time.

They may have also been communicating with other people as well.

Hence, they may have been having conversations with multiple people at a time.

This person may have now gotten to the point where they know who they really like and thereby they want to focus all of their attention on that person for now in order to see how things turn out.

Online dating often gives people the option to communicate with as many people as they want to at the same time.

Some people actually take advantage of this, while others still choose to solely focus on communicating with one person at a time.

Perhaps that is how they used to do it in the real world when it came to courting someone and they have kept up that same mindset and behavior even with online dating.

However, this person may have been talking to multiple people and has now decided to focus on the one that they really like.

That one is most likely not you.

It can be hard to keep up conversation with multiple people at a time over a sustained period of time.

Hence, this person is now taking a break from all of that and may have decided to just focus on talking to the one and possibly meeting that one in the real world for dates.

Another common reason why you would get an online dating response telling you that this person wants a break from online dating and wishing you good luck could also be because this person is truly taking a break from online dating in general.

Indeed, it may have been a situation where this person was talking to multiple people on the online dating site at the same time and expending quite a bit of time and energy on that.

They may have now gotten to the point where they feel as though they haven’t established a true romantic connection with anyone.

This is exasperating, as they have expended so much energy in communicating with all these people at the same time on the online dating site and were still unable to establish a genuine connection with someone.

This person finally gets to the point where they decide that they simply don’t want to keep up with communicating with all these people because it is simply too much work and they aren’t getting anywhere in terms of finding a genuine romantic connection with someone.

Do understand that even though you thought everything was going well with this person, it doesn’t mean that this person would have only been communicating with you.

Most people who use online dating sites to meet people often communicate with multiple people at a time.

This person is hoping that by sending you this message, they are able to have some closure with you and you can hopefully move on to focusing your attention on someone else to talk to on the online dating site.