If You Send A Message To A Girl On A Dating Site And She Doesn’t Answer Immediately, Does That Mean She’s Not Interested?

If You Send A Message To A Girl On A Dating Site And She Doesn't Answer Immediately, Does That Mean She's Not Interested?

It doesn’t mean that she’s not interested.

If the girl on a dating site doesn’t answer immediately, she may be yet to read the message.

Understand that girls tend to get a lot more messages on a dating site than guys do.

When you send her a message, there is a good chance that she still has several messages in her inbox that she is still trying to get through.

Hence, if she doesn’t answer immediately, it may simply be because she is yet to get to your message.

A girl also has a life outside of a dating site.

She can’t spend her entire day going through the numerous messages that she has received from guys.

She may have to manage her time so as not to miss out on real life.

As a result, some girls will not get through all of their messages in one login.

It may take several logins into their online dating account before they are able to make a decent amount of progress.

Also understand that as she is trying to get through these messages, she has also received new ones throughout the day and overnight.

This makes it that much harder for her to keep up with her messages.

As a result, your message may fall through the cracks.

In other words, she may somehow miss it because she is just trying to get through the multitude of message that are clogging her inbox.

Hence, there are situations where a girl doesn’t get to your message at all.

So, not only could she not answer it immediately but she also completely missed it altogether.

It wasn’t intentional on her part.

Again, girls get a lot more messages on a dating site than guys do.

In the process of trying to read these messages and respond to some of them, they are laden with even more messages throughout the day and overnight.

She will not be able to get through these messages in one sitting because she has a life outside of the dating site.

Hence, she will most likely not answer your message immediately.

The hope is that she will eventually get to it and respond to you.

However, there are unfortunate occasions where she simply misses it.

In a scenario like this, she hasn’t demonstrated that she isn’t interested in you.

She never got to read the message in the first place.

Thereby, she never had a chance to decide whether she was interested in you or not.

This is why you should have a better strategy when it comes to sending a message to a girl on a dating site.

Instead of just sending her a message when you come across her dating profile, you should focus on sending her a message at her optimal time.

This truly helps you avoid the unfortunate possibility that the message that you send her could fall through the cracks or she could miss it.

Sending her a message at her optimal time is typically the time that she is both live on the dating site and actually going to be active for a sustained period of time.

When you send her a message at her optimal time, you will have a much higher likelihood that she will see it.

Being that you have sent her a message at a time that she is actually live on the dating site, she will instantly receive a notification of your message.

This means that she will actually see that you sent her a message in real time.

Now, you should also make sure that you have sent her a message at a time that she is not only live but also tends to be active.

This means that you have sent her a message at a time that she normally stays put on the dating site.

In other words, you haven’t caught her when she is just checking her online dating account for a few minutes and will leave soon after.

When you send her a message at her optimal time, you will have a much highly likelihood that she will answer your message immediately.

To figure out what her optimal time is, just observe her behavior for a few days.

Take note of when she logs into her account and for how long she stays logged in.

Focus on the periods that she is logged into her online dating account the longest.

When you have determined these times, you should send her a message.