Infuriated With Girls Using Dating Apps To Promote Their OnlyFans Accounts?

Infuriated With Girls Using Dating Apps To Promote Their OnlyFans Accounts?

OnlyFans is big.

With its subscription, tip and pay per view model, it is attracting an eclectic mix of money-seeking creators that include chefs, musicians, writers, comedians, gamers, fitness instructors and yes, contributors of the adult variety.

Dating apps are an easy target.

These girls, who are normally contributors of the adult variety on OnlyFans, know that there are a lot of lonely men on dating apps.

It’s like a gold rush.

Slipping a link to their OnlyFans account only makes sense to them.

It is no different than other girls who use dating apps to promote their social media accounts like Instagram, Snapchat and so on.

Dating apps are just another way to find real targets that add to their overall digital footprint, giving them a real chance at increasing their popularity and income.

Yes, it is infuriating to keep coming across dating profiles with girls who are clearly only using the dating app to promote their OnlyFans accounts, but this is nothing new.

Dating apps have always been the target of people looking to take advantage of lonely men or men just looking for the right partner.

They hope that while you are in the process of looking for this right partner, you take a detour and visit their OnlyFans account.

It is OnlyFans today, tomorrow, it will be some new sensation of a website that garners fame and fortune for those who promote it.

Many dating apps don’t want girls promoting their personal social media or content media accounts on their platform.

Reporting these dating profiles to the dating app helps in cutting back on their number.

Flag them as often as you can.

A reputable dating app responds by deleting these accounts.

Key word, reputable.

Are you using a reputable dating app?

If you aren’t, it is time to think about changing it.

Today, you are infuriated, tomorrow, you give in and find yourself at the tail end of hundreds of dollars spent on some girl named Sexy Jessica on OnlyFans.

It’s true.

You never know at which point you are so battered with loneliness and the stink of continued failure to find your romantic match on dating apps, that you eventually cave in to checking out Sexy Jessica’s OnlyFans account on yet another lonely Friday.

Maybe you have had a few generous swigs of your favorite bourbon already and you are feeling a little lightheaded.

Before you know it, you are going down an OnlyFans rabbit hole resulting in the inebriated expenditure of hundreds of your most precious dollars.

On a positive note, running into dating profiles like this instantly lets you know the kind of girl that is behind it.

You don’t have to worry about whether she is serious about trying to meet a life partner.

That link alone tells you that she is more interested in the dollars and the notoriety.

No need to grab your magnifying glass and attempt to read between the lines as you try to figure out if this dating profile, with loads of pics of a hot girl, was created by someone with real or fake intentions.

The OnlyFans link is enough to let you know what you are dealing with.

In some ways, that link is saving you a lot of guesswork.

Find a reputable dating app.

Report these dating profiles whenever you encounter them.

Work on your dating profile to make it the best it can be and send better messages to girls.

Do this consistently and soon you will meet your future girlfriend.

When you do, no more dating apps.

No more OnlyFans links.

What a relief.