If it has been a while since you started emailing with this guy on an online dating site and he is yet to ask you out on a date, he just wants to be email friends.
This is especially true if you have been having consistent and frequent communication with this guy.
As long as the conversations have been substantive in nature and you have been open about the person that you are, he should have at least hinted by now that he would like to go out on a date with you.
If he hasn’t asked you out on a date yet, he may be content to just be email friends.
Guys who persist in emailing a girl on an online dating site but never ask her out on a date are often guys who may simply be looking for someone to talk to online.
It is essential that you always find out what kind of relationship a guy is looking for, earlier on in your interaction with him on an online dating site.
If they seem doubtful or not certain of what kind of relationship they are looking for, it may be best to avoid emailing guys like this.
However, if they were to tell you that they do want to date or get into a relationship with someone in the future, then you should pay attention to what they do from then on.
A guy who is serious about ultimately going out on a date with a girl will often try to flirt with her or tease her.
He does this to see how she responds to him.
This is often how guys try to ascertain whether the girl is actually attracted to him.
He will flirt with her and tease her in order to observe her response or lack there of.
If she responds, he is typically encouraged by that. At this point, he knows that this girl may be a good candidate to meet on a date in real life at some point in time.
He may have a few more conversations with you just to get a better read on your personality.
However, there is a good chance that a guy who flirts with a girl and teases her on a consistent basis will ultimately ask her out on a date.
If his conversations with you are typically very platonic in nature and he never or very rarely flirts with you or teases, there is a good chance that he just wants to be email friends.
Another way to know if a guy wants to date you or just wants to be email friends is in the relevancy of his emails.
If he just wants to be email friends, he may ignore certain personal questions that you may ask of him.
He may act as though you never asked the question and simply choose to start a conversation on a totally separate topic that had nothing to do with the question that you asked.
He does this because he wants to stick to topics that are within his comfort zone.
Being that he only wants to be email friends with you, answering personal questions from you that have more depth would put him at a place where he would have to open up and he doesn’t want to do that.
A guy who wants to date would actually welcome those personal questions and will often go into detail with his responses.
A guy who wants to date you wants you to learn about him.
He wants to put you at ease by providing this information, in the hopes that you will be more open to going out on a date with him, when he chooses to ask you.