Online Dating: Does She Owe Me Money For Not Showing Up On The Date?

Online Dating: Does She Owe Me Money For Not Showing Up On The Date?

She doesn’t.

Regardless of the fact that you two were introduced on a dating app, and regardless of her agreeing to meet you on a date, she wasn’t obligated to show up.

Without a doubt, not showing up on a date that was already agreed to by both parties is cruel.

But, she wasn’t obligated to show up.

You were the one who assumed the risk in going to the date.

It doesn’t matter how far you drove, how much money you spent on gas or parking, how much you had to pay for a babysitter, etc.

You chose to go to the location to meet her and that is on you.

I know that it leaves a bad taste in your mouth to have put in the effort and financial expense to have gone to this date and her not show up.

Nonetheless, believing that she owes you money for not showing up on the date is taking your annoyance at her too far.

Dating is risky.

Whether you meet a woman in a real life venue or on a dating app, asking her out on a date assumes risk.

The risk that she doesn’t show up on the date.

This reality must always be at the forefront of your mind whenever you talk to a woman with the intent of asking her out.

There is nothing legally binding when asking a woman out on a date.

There is no contract stipulating she must show up at the date venue or else.

She doesn’t owe you anything.

Nothing whatsoever.

She doesn’t owe you her time and she certainly doesn’t owe you her money.

This might sound harsh, but that is the reality of courtship.

No one is obligated to do anything.

Everything is agreed upon in good faith, but no one is obligated to show up on a date.

You are better off letting this go.

The longer you hold on to the idea that she owes you money for not showing up on the date, the harder it will be for you to open yourself up to other women on a dating app who are genuinely interested in you.

This is caused by a fear of the woman disappointing you in the end, by not showing up on a date.

On top of that, holding on to the idea that she owes you money for not showing up on a date makes you paranoid.

Whenever you are thinking about arranging a date with any woman in the future, you could say something that turns her off.

A phrase like, “I would ask you out on a date but I am worried that you won’t show up. I have been burned in the past. Lost money.”

Saying stuff like this is a massive turn off to women, as it makes you come off as bitter and lacking confidence.

Next thing you know, these women end up either canceling on the date or not showing up at all.

The prospect of yet another woman not showing up on a date becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, thanks to your negative attitude.

You are on a dating app to find a partner and so are women.

The last thing you want is to turn women off by having a negative approach to the idea of meeting on a date.

Give each new woman you talk to the benefit of the doubt when the time comes to set up a date.

Not every woman is going to ghost you.