Online Dating: Girl Lost Interest After Seeing A New Photo Of Me?

Online Dating: Girl Lost Interest After Seeing A New Photo Of Me?

The new photo was different from the old one.

You have to be forthright with the photos you post on your dating profile.

Post recent photos of yourself.

Photos that are representative of what you look like at present.

She thought that your old photo was attractive.

That is what led to her matching with you.

Once she saw your new photo, she was stunned.

It wasn’t anything like your old one.

The one she saw before deciding to match with you.

Your new photo is representative of what you look like at present, and she didn’t like what she saw.

You misled her.

She lost interest.

People on dating apps have a false notion that they don’t have to be forthright with their photos.

They post old photos of themselves, believing that this shouldn’t be a big deal.

Once their personality comes through in conversations they have with a match, that match would be happy to date them.

This is delusion.

When you are using dating apps, the primary impetus that gets people to match with each other is based on looks.

Sounds superficial, but that is the reality of dating apps.

Looks come first.

When you post old photos of yourself from a time you were younger and fitter, you aren’t doing yourself any favors.

Yes, you gain attention, thanks to those photos, but it is short-lived.

All will be revealed.

Even if you get as far as a date with her, she is going to see what you look like presently and be turned off.

It doesn’t matter how good the conversations have been.

She is upset that you misrepresented what you look like on your dating profile and she is getting up to leave that date or is cutting it short.

Same thing with posting a new photo of you that is the realistic representation of what you look like in present day.

It doesn’t change the fact that you have been deceiving her all along.

No matter how well you two have gotten on, she won’t be happy when she realizes that you don’t look like your old photo.

Why put yourself and the woman through something like this?

It doesn’t do either one of you any good.

She ends up wasting her time with you and you end up with your hopes shattered.

Be confident in who you are and post current photos of yourself.

If there is something about your physicality you don’t like, work on it.

Have you gained a bunch of weight?

Are you looking gaunt?

Has your skin texture degenerated?

These are areas that you can work on to improve upon.

Do that first before getting on dating apps, if these are areas that bother you.

Otherwise, post recent and faithful photos of yourself.

Though most people on dating apps judge you by your looks first and foremost, a well-done dating profile can offset some of that.

Charm and entertain in how you go about writing your bio.

Use clever titles for your headers.

Post photos that show you engaged in fun activities you love.

This takes away the focus from your physicality, making the activities the center of attention.

This alone can make you look more appealing.

There are ways to make your dating profile attractive without having to resort to posting old photos of yourself from your younger, fitter days.

As aforementioned, posting old photos of yourself from your younger, fitter days gets you nowhere in the long run.