Online Dating: Should I Tell Him That I Am Dating Others?

Online Dating: Should I Tell Him That I Am Dating Others?

You are not obligated to tell a guy that you are dating others unless he asks.

When you are online dating, you will have a plethora of dating choices.

This is a major part of the appeal of online dating.

If you are taking advantage of this opportunity, that is a good thing.

Many people who are online dating do the same thing.

He should be aware of this and if he isn’t, that is really his own responsibility.

Your obligation is to yourself and getting what you want out of online dating.

Your obligation is not to appease him or anyone else.

If you have been talking to him for a while on the online dating site or been out on a few dates with him and he asks you about whether you are dating others, you should be truthful in telling him that you are.

However, you are not obligated to tell him unless he asks.

He should already assume that you are probably dating others, being that you are on an online dating site.

Indeed, he may be dating others as well.

If you are wondering whether you should tell him that you are dating others because you are afraid that he may be getting too serious about you too soon, then you should understand what this most likely means.

There is a chance that you may not be as into him as he is into you.

Hence, your fear may be that he is focusing all of his attention on you and getting to like you even more, while you are keeping your options open and dating others.

These are your instincts most likely letting you know that you may not be liking this guy as much as you may have been letting on.

If you are worried that he may be getting too serious with you, you may not actually see this guy as someone that you would want to be in a romantic relationship with.

Sure, you may enjoy the dates that you go on with him but that may be where it ends.

This guy isn’t necessarily keeping you up at night wondering if he is thinking about you at that very moment.

His visual image isn’t invading your thoughts as you are going about your daily activities.

You aren’t grabbing your phone in excitement every time that you get a message because you are hoping that it is him that is messaging you.

In essence, you may not even really think about this guy at all until he contacts you or asks you out on a date.

These are all areas that you should think about at this time, being that you are now wondering whether you should tell him that you are dating others.

Oftentimes, when a person gets to this point during their interaction with someone, they may be at a crossroads in terms of determining whether it would be wise to continue dating.

Regardless of the reason why you are now wondering whether you should tell him that you are dating others, do understand that you shouldn’t feel guilty for dating others.

This is what you should be doing when online dating.

Dating is a numbers game and you often have to date a good number of people before you ultimately meet the right person for you.

If this guy hasn’t asked you whether you are dating others, you can keep that information to yourself.

If he does ask you, you should be honest and tell him that you are.

This isn’t necessarily going to change how he feels about you.

He may want to continue going on dates with you.

He may have simply asked just so that he knows where he stands with you.

If anything, learning that you are dating others may make him work even harder to win you over.