This girl may have gotten bored with the conversation that she was having with you and decided to relegate you to the role of Facebook friend.
The few days that she spent talking to you were enough for her to realize that she was already bored with you.
This realization made it that much easier for her to stop responding to you.
She was able to conclude that there was no possibility of romance with you.
As a result, she had no further interest to keep her conversation with you on the online dating site going.
In asking for your Facebook, she was trying to end the conversation with you on the online dating site as politely as she could.
She knew that she was now bored with the conversation and wanted to move on to having conversations with other guys.
This may be what this girl typically does when she meets a guy on an online dating site and gets bored with the conversation that she is having with him.
She gets to the point where she decides to ask him for his Facebook in order to give him the impression that the conversation will move on to another platform.
However, all she is really doing is trying to end the conversation with the guy on the online dating site and move on to talking to other guys.
By talking to you for a few days, she was able to get a really good feel for whether she would like you to pursue romance with you.
Even though the conversation with her may have been really good in the beginning and she seemed really interested, she most likely started getting bored the more she talked to you.
Eventually, she asked for your Facebook because she knew that her interest was just about gone and she just wanted to move on from talking to you.
When she stopped responding to you, she may have already started engaging in some other conversation with some other guy.
If her conversation with this guy doesn’t go the way she hopes over the course of the next few days, she will most likely do the same thing to him too.
She may ask for his Facebook and then proceed to stop responding to him.
She probably does this all the time with guys that she meets while online dating.
She will talk to him for a few days and if she realizes that she is just not into him romantically, she will ask for his Facebook and proceed to stop responding to him.
The way she looks at it, she wants the guy to understand that he can contact her on Facebook.
Hence, she wants his attention to turn to Facebook whenever he wants to start a conversation with her.
She feels that sending guys that she isn’t that into romantically to her Facebook gives her an opportunity to talk to them if and when she pleases.
However, she may not want the guy to keep bugging her on the online dating site.
She may want to be able to focus on guys that she is actually romantically interested in on an online dating site.
She may not want to get any distracting messages from guys that she now knows she isn’t into on the online dating platform.
She wants to solely focus on talking to guys that she is romantically interested in.
However, with her Facebook, she is able to have more of a casual attitude with the guys who want to talk to her there.
She can answer their message whenever she chooses to without feeling a sense of pressure.
After all, this is Facebook.
There is a casual nature to Facebook that makes it feel a lot less serious than an online dating site.
Hence, this is a girl who may simply want you to start messaging her on Facebook only.
She may or may not reply to your message.
Being that it is Facebook, she doesn’t feel a sense of urgency to do so right away, if ever.